07-14-2013, 01:28 AM,
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How realistic are hair systems
I am just wondering how realistic hair systems actually are... Has anyone caught you out
07-14-2013, 02:30 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
You've posted the same stupid question on several sites.
Why don't you look at pictures of actual wearers and decide for yourself?
After all, its potentially you that will be wearing one, so its only your opinion that should matter to you.
For your next trick, you should go on to a Weight Watcher Forum and ask them if they're all really just fat and are they deluding themselves that they can lose weight.
07-14-2013, 03:29 AM,
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RE: How realistic are hair systems
okay, I've waited long enough.
Hersute, picture this:
You go to a live conference where everyone has a common interest, and
there's a panel, 9 people sitting at the front of the room. These 9 experts will answer questions.
Each time a question is asked from the audience, one person on the panel answers. And then the same person, named Hersute, answers also. As this goes on and on, the usefulness and interest of the panel and conference diminishes. This guy Hersute is taking up half the oxygen in the room. Fewer and fewer people attend the conference, because it's always the same thing: Hersute consumes all the oxygen in the room.
I've got to wonder what psychological issue you must have to attend every hair loss forum on the internet, consuming half the oxygen in the room, and occasionally, barking at people for their posts (above).
It cheapens the forums, the interest, and indeed, I think the attendance.
This is not a flame, I honestly believe, you need help.
07-14-2013, 03:42 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Ha! Thank you! I take on board your comments and will stop breathing hence forth!
07-14-2013, 03:43 AM,
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RE: How realistic are hair systems
what a surprise, one post, then another by Hersute
Imagine you got paid a dime per post!
07-14-2013, 04:03 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Hey atlantaguy.
I truly appreciate your honesty, I really do.
I even believe there is truth in what you're saying and I take no offence at the fact you've said it.
I'm sorry the very quantity of my posts offends you.
That was never my intention.
Nor was it ever my intention to please everybody and make friends.
My only intention has been to give help and advice (and as above, stamp out stupid negativity) to people asking for it.
So if that means searching out old posts or googling things for people, I'm happy to do it.
And it doesn't necessarily have to follow that just because I make a post, no-one else can.
Everyone can chip-in if they feel inclined. Isn't that the idea?
Its not like there is only one opportunity to respond and if you miss it, you can't have your say.
The number of people asking for help is always greater than the number of people offering it and as long as the number of people I'm attempting to help is greater than the number of people I offend, I can just about manage to live with myself.
I've made it quite plain in the past that I don't do it out of charity or good will.
I do it for purely selfish motives because attempting to assist people makes me feel better about myself.
So you're quite right to say that I need help.
But I hope that one day you too will want to be a positive contributor to this forum and I hope that in doing so, no-one attempts to criticise you, whatever your intentions.
07-14-2013, 04:27 AM,
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RE: How realistic are hair systems
I hear you, but it's the same thing the guy on panel would have said in response for
my hypothetical conference above ("I was just being of help" - yeah but everybody is gone).
I have found over the years that the kinds of guys who are flooders of posts in forums then become the forum's guru, have followers, and thuggery then follows from that (e.g. hairlosshelp forum, it's worthless now).
You just need another hobby, my friend.
07-14-2013, 04:37 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Ok, now you've made it clear.
I was wondering where you were at this hypothetical conference of yours.
Now I know.
You're the guy lurking at the back, upset and jealous because you believe everyone else is getting all the attention you deserve.
If thats what you want, then you should try sticking your neck out sometime and do something constructive.
Yes, there will always be those who will want to shoot you down, but more importantly, you might help someone besides yourself.
I think you're wrong in your assumption that people are influenced by my oxygen generated opinions.
Most people recognise them for what they are, the ramblings of a hair obsessed old man.
From the feedback I get, its my results that influence people and for that I make no apology.
07-14-2013, 04:57 AM,
Junior Member
Posts: 37
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Joined: Nov 2008
RE: How realistic are hair systems
no, I am the guy who left after the first one.
07-14-2013, 05:16 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
So my form of selfishness is to stick around and make myself heard and yours is to think of just yourself and run away at the first opportunity.
In reality I don't think either behaviour is beyond criticism.
Thank goodness for the moderate majority!