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How to tell someone
05-30-2013, 03:53 AM,
How to tell someone
Now I know this type of question comes up from time to time and I have searched through the forum and found a couple responses, but I'm curious if anyone has good advice.

What have you found to be the best way to tell someone you wear? Assuming they haven't found out or caught you or anything, there just comes a time when you want to let someone close to you know. Whether you're dating, close friends, whatever. I fear saying anything that brings up the words "wig" and "toupee" because of the stigma. But I can't really think of a good way to say "hair system" that wouldn't make them ask, "you mean like a toupee?"

Also, part B, do any of you get a secure enough, tight enough bond that you are comfortable letting someone run their fingers through your hair? Maybe the hair just looks so good on my head it's irresistable, but almost EVERYONE I date tries to play with my hair and I find it really awkward to try to tell them to stop (again, I'm clearly terrible at communicating... hahaha).

Thanks everyone!
05-30-2013, 07:43 AM,
RE: How to tell someone
Most people these days understand the concept of 'hair extensions'.
SO many girls have them.
And so it would be possible to describe it as an 'integration' of extra hair to bulk up your own... like extensions.
If they want attachment details you can explain they're just like extensions in that they can be bonded, clipped or woven into your existing hair.
Keep it simple and keep it light and then people kind of accept it on those terms, like its not such a big deal.
If they ask to see it up close, you point out that if its well done, there should be nothing to see.
Its a question of being dismissive and deflecting.

Otherwise, if you make a bigger thing of it then you'll find in future those people you've told have a habit of talking to the top of your head as they're still intrigued.

The fact that people want to touch your hair is, in a way, a good sign because it shows they don't think of it as anything but your own.
But stopping them is a different matter.
I had transplants that everyone knew about (and the majority of them still think thats what they're seeing) and so I would say that my head had loads of scar tissue on the scalp and touching it made me uncomfortable.
I also made a bit of a joke about "NOT TOUCHING THE HAIR" because I'd spent ages grooming it.
Unfortunately, with more casual styles (and they're the sort people seem to want to touch & ruffle) this doesn't apply.

But if you've explained the hair extension thing, then it wouldn't be unreasonable to say thats why you didn't want it messed with.
05-30-2013, 10:30 PM,
RE: How to tell someone
I myself don't let anybody know that i wear until i really have to,and then i just gloss over the facts,i don't get caught up into too much detail,if they can see its no big deal for you,then they will not be concerned either.I just say ive had hair added.

I don't go around hiding, afraid i might get exposed wearing either,just prefer to keep it to myself.Most people i know are so wrapped up in there own lives,you wearing hair is really of little concern to them,providing your piece is a good match to your own hair.

My current girlfriend doesnt mind me without hair or with hair,but some partners may not be that accommondating.

The running the hands through the hair will always be an issue,but when your partner knows you have a piece,they are less likely to do it.

Regards Topcat

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