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Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
02-19-2013, 12:53 PM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
Hey Greeko1987,

SFS (TL100) is thin and undetectable and generally the base material that most guys like since it is a fine mesh and "breathes".

You might want to consider ordering the French lace base (TL200) since you're just starting out though. It's just about as fine as the SFS but a bit more sturdy for a beginner to work with.

Are you planning to replace just the frontal area or were you thinking of replacing more hair (top of head)? Whatever you decide to do there, either type of lace will work fine, whether just a frontal piece or a topper unit.

As far as sweating and working out goes it's hard to say what attachment (glue or tape) will work best for you because each person's body chemistry is different.

The best thing to do is to buy several types of glue and a few types of tape to try out to see what will work best in your case. It's largely a matter of personal taste and/or trial & error to find the right adhesive(s) when you're just starting out, so the more choices you have on hand to try, the better off you'll be.

Whenever you're ready to order, just call John and go over any questions or concerns you have regarding base material, density, and the amount of wave you want, adhesives, etc. He will steer you in the right direction and be glad to help you set up your order and finalize everything.

Be sure to include a copy of the hairstyle you ultimately want to achieve (I''m guessing it's going to be the picture where you had longer hair) in with your order, along with your template and hair sample, too.

Best of luck to you!
02-19-2013, 09:40 PM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
I`d go with Hersute`s suggested coverage area....seems like it`s mainly your temple area/s that need coverage..you still have a relatively ` strong` front hairline ` point`..it would be a shame to shave it back to make ` room` for a system..... I wonder would just two temple-pieces work for you for the moment? French lace is that little bit more durable than Swiss, but it can be a little less ` invisible` at the very front there, but to be honest, I wear French and it`s never been an issue for me.....your main concern will actually be finding a glue / tape which works best for you in view of your active lifestyle and warm climate.....and that issue varies from one person to the next...you`ll have to just try different ones until you find what works best for your individual physiology.
02-19-2013, 11:36 PM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
I know I have frontal issues only but my thought was that I want thick hair all over the top. It used to be thicker and if I have to place a piece only on the front I would have to always maintain the length from the back area and since it has all thinned out, maybe it wouldnt look proportionate. To achieve the look that I have on the first page dont you think that a 50-60% density, somewhat temple coverage and slowly bring the hairline forward would look natural and unnoticeable?
02-20-2013, 12:05 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
In pic 4 on the other page, you have a good density on top---- hang on to that as long as you can... I sure wouldn`t shave off the top of your head...certainly if you`d like your front hairline to be lower [forward] you can easily get a front partial piece to include your temple areas...leave your sides grow out a bit longer too...it`ll look a lot better.... I think it`s a bit early to be considering going with a Topper...you can ` ease` into wearing with a partial, and if you decide it`s not ` for you`, you can simply remove it and you`ll be no different to how you are now, whereas if you shaved your top, wore a topper and then decided you`re not happy with it, you`d have to wait for the hair to re-grow.
02-20-2013, 01:11 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
See my hair is a lot thinner on top but I actually use nanogen and I cover it up by making it appear thick....
02-20-2013, 03:29 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
Maybe you should post a pic withour the nanogen
02-20-2013, 10:50 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
my amazing full head of hair is nearly gone. Im gonna look like my dad at 25. And I used to have this greek hairdresser that used to say " your hair is so thick, you are never gonna lose it" WHAT NOW!!!! lol

anyway!!!! I had my b**ch session.

Any advice on where abouts I should have the lace from...to?


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02-20-2013, 07:18 PM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
Maybe you could start off with a stock French lace unit and with a coverage area about like I've indicated. For best results you'd need to send a hair sample in for the closest color match.

This would give you a good place to begin with lots of room to make modifications and adjustments down the road on your second order, like going to SFS and changing the hairline and/or density specs. The coverage area I've proposed is just my idea of a starting point without the need for temple flaps. You can add them later if you think you need to.

I'd definitely let your hair grow out to at least 4-5cm to have a good area on the sides and back to blend into.

What do the rest of you guys think?

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02-21-2013, 12:48 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
Sounds perfect to me!
Starting that size would make a big difference but not be noticeable to other people.
They'll notice you look better, but not realise why.
The piece can be gradually increased with time.

Personally, I'm not a fan of French Lace (I prefer Swiss) but I have no experience of TopLace's French Lace and I've read many guys are perfectly happy with it.
02-21-2013, 10:52 AM,
RE: Advice for appropriate hair piece (photos)
makes sense and even the way you have done it looks good.....at least better than what it looks like now :-P

Should I get a "stock unit" at the moment?
If I get that is it possible to have one with slight wave on it because I know the curly hair suits me and I dont want to get straight as I know that if I straighten my hair I tend to look stupid.

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