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hairline /Advise please (pictures)
01-03-2013, 09:24 PM,
hairline /Advise please (pictures)
im from germany
Can i do this hairline (the black line )
is it right ?

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01-03-2013, 10:15 PM,
RE: hairline /Advise please
Can you post a side-view showing your temple area. At the moment, and I could be wrong, it looks to me like the very front [hairline] is ok but the black line is too far ` down` onto your temple area where it doesn`t look like you ever actually had hair before ? Based on what I can see , maybe just bring that black line / mark around, so it lies ` at` or just ` outside` where I can see [thin] hair.
What you have marked will give you temple-flaps on your system and I`m not sure you need those as such..... a side-view would be good...... generally, you just replace what you have lost, but maybe not as ` far back` as when you were a teenager with a full head of hair.....allow for a little ` normal` and age-appropriate recession.
01-03-2013, 10:50 PM,
RE: hairline /Advise please
thank you very much
but i dont want have so large entradas anymore.
Maby you can draw a hairline on my picture

from the side

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01-03-2013, 11:54 PM,
RE: hairline /Advise please
I think your black line looks a little too ` straight`....... I`d suggest more of a curve as shown..excuse my shaky line--I`m using a laptop touch-pad--- it may look a bit unnatural if you come ` down` too far.... best thing is to ` follow` the curve of your growing hair, out we`ll say, a distance of 25mm. in the same contour.....make your template, sit it on, and post a pic and you can get opinions on if/where to ` tweak` it. You can easily add more material or trim it off a bit if needs be. Hope that helps.

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01-04-2013, 12:18 AM,
RE: hairline /Advise please
And which desity would you say?
You see my hair on top
it sould be more of course
01-04-2013, 12:46 AM,
RE: hairline /Advise please
You need a Topper anyway, so just concentrate on making your template first---when you have that done, let`s have a look. Your side hair looks reasonable still... I`d go no higher than medium but don`t worry about the details just yet--John will work with you on that..like you don`t have to have all these figures like percentages, on a list....just send him a few good-quality pics of your remaining hair, and he`ll know what to order for you. If your hairline will be kind of exposed, as in, swept-back hair, maybe go for a Swiss lace front, for better invisibility....you could get the rest of it made from French lace, which is a bit more durable. There`s not a huge amount of ` difference` between the two laces though....a lot of it is down to personal preference after a while. Of course you could get a ` skin` system too...the new super-thin skin, while ` delicate` is very invisible.....though there is the ` standard` [slightly thicker] skin too..personally, I like the breathe-ability of lace, especially in warm weather...... I think a new wearer would be better off going with lace as a ` starter` material, until you get used to bonding-on and suchlike, as you can just do a perimeter bond.......skin normally requires an all-over application of glue and can be tricky to position it and prevent air-bubbles arising during the process.... try a lace system first and see how you get on.
p.s.--you could probably get away with the conventional oval-shaped topper, but as you seem to want some ` extra` coverage around your temples, this will make some small flaps necessary

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