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Side Pics
10-10-2012, 12:07 PM,
RE: Side Pics
Congrats on attaching. I have been using Jane carter revitalizing leave in conditioner I found at target, seems pretty good and pretty natural.

I have been considering trying a full perimeter orwg attachment, let us know how long that attachment works. I am using walker strips now until I get more proflex tabs which I much prefer. When u attached did u spray little alcohol prior gives you little time to work with it.
10-11-2012, 03:20 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Ok guys here are the pictures. Please say your opinion an be really critical and honest Smile
This is my first time wearing and I did the cut in and attachment my self. The attachment pretty much sucks for now but ill get the hang of it
I'll be posting more better pictures soon

-Update. Pictures on next page
10-11-2012, 04:56 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Hi foras, I was about to do a post regarding your problems with attaching your Walker No-Shine, when I saw your new pics...... I`m impressed...looks like you did a nice job there...well -done.
Now to your tape-application issue. I`ll attach a few pics I took last week.
I know what you mean, with tape ` scrunching` up and coming away-from / off the lace. I have that issue when I use other tapes--notably, ` Supertape` ... I find the Walker, to be actually more ` rigid`, and easier to work -with.
I apply a strip of tape, then grip that taped area, so that my fingers are `in` the hair and the two thumbs are on the white backing-paper....squeeze firmly and whist still applying ` pressure`, move the thumbs from the middle of the strip, out to the edges [left and right]. I`m right-handed, so I then take a small [short] scissors, which has a nice sharp point, in my right hand, whist gripping the system at the taped area in my left one...... on one corner of the strip, gently slip the very tip of the scissors blade, in between the tape and paper....once you see the paper ` lifting`, then use the scissors to hold the tape against the lace [taking care not to pierce it through it !]--kind of `` flat`` ---then using the thumb and first finger of my left hand, I peel the backing-paper off, whilst holding the actual tape against the lace with the scissors, thus preventing it from pulling free.
I then ` reverse` [turn] the paper so the shiny, non-stick surface is now facing the strip of tape, crease/fold back one corner ` onto` itself, and this will be my grip-points for later ,once I have the system positioned correctly---- I gently/lightly press the paper against the tape[this will peel of very easily later] ....this prevents it sticking to the skin whilst I position the system........ some guys use `` Adjust-a-bond`` which is a grade of alcohol, which when sprayed onto the skin, prevents tape gripping for a bout a minute or in the case of a glued area of skin, prevents the lace sticking to the glue for a minute or so....... I just ``use`` my backing-paper to achieve the same thing and it actually means I can take my time.
Hope I have explained it in an easily -understood manner...the pics should help though ! Pics. were taken on my Phone, so please ` allow` for the quality.
3rd one shows how I`m `holding` the tape tight to the lace so when I begin to peel off the paper, the tape stays on. The 4th shows the ` reversed` papers with the corners folded back--- I can now sit that on,position it forward or back from the front hairline, and simply peel off the papers, and bond-on.

Attached Files Image(s)
10-11-2012, 05:45 AM,
RE: Side Pics
just a great advert for why modern men wear,because it can look amazing!!!!,good job
life changing, Smile
10-11-2012, 09:10 AM,
RE: Side Pics
how did you do your cut in? it looks really good! thanks
10-11-2012, 09:44 AM,
RE: Side Pics
@Paul thanks for the instructions the problem I find with walker is that you have to peel the paper off before you place it on the lace because the no shine side is on the paper side, or at least that's what info I read. So I peeled it off and then it kept on sticking together and before it got on the lace it already had ripples.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Is the no shine side on the paper?

@andrei_eremenko I have been playing with it the past 3 months because I couldn't attach at the time. Firstly I cut with clippers, and then i reduced the density and texturized the hair with thinning sheers. To be honest if it wasnt for thinning sheers I would never like it nor would I attach. I also bleeched the unit and dyed it 3 times till I found the correct hair number.

The pictures I posted don't look that good..the piece looks better in person I'll have someone take pictures for me.
I had the same exact hair style before I attached the piece but now I have it with less hassle and more hair!! Today when my girlfriend saw me she thought I only had a haircut or I dyed my hair,its actually two shades lighter than my hair, lol(she knows i wear). One of my friends didnt even notice haha.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, im pleased to answer
10-11-2012, 08:49 PM,
RE: Side Pics
i am in the same boat as you...practically nobody know that I am going bald, because I am making a good job with conceleaing but the piece I got it's darker than my hair and has more red tones that my hair has...I need to correct this although I don't know if it is possible...can you show the hairline at this moment? how old are you? thanks!
10-11-2012, 08:56 PM,
RE: Side Pics
That`s where your issue/problem is then foras..... you simply cut a strip from your roll, and press it to the lace [with the paper still on it ! ], apply pressure, as I outlined above...... you`ll simply be unable to work with ANY tape if you peel off the paper before attaching it to your base. My ` trick` of utilising the paper as a barrier to prevent the tapes from adhering to your scalp while you position the system, is merely a ` personal` trick I developed, as it means I can do things at a more relaxed pace, than if I was using an alcohol spray, as that only gives you about a minute...... I think the alcohol is very handy for people who do maybe, an all-glue perimeter or Full-scalp bond using glue...... the alcohol spray [Adjust-a-bond is one such product] prevents the glue grabbing the system immediately, but you still have to ` work` relatively fast....using tapes and the trick I use, makes for a more leisurely attachment.
10-11-2012, 10:35 PM,
RE: Side Pics
@Paul I watched a video on another suppliers website and the lady said the no shine side is the side with the paper on it and i thought to myself is the company really that stupid. She probably made a mistake on that video...On my next attachment I'll try the tips you gave above Smile

@andrei My general idea was when I would start wearing ill try to make the hairpiece look like my old hairstyle and over the course of a year add a little density and a better style.
About the red tones, try back2natural but buy it at lighter shade of your own hair. Like I said above dude to my comb front hair style I didnt care about the hairline so I didnt bleech the knots, so definately I cant show my hairline. I'm 23, been losing hair since 17 and concealing with toppik since 18 Smile Just remember to go low on the density not everybody needs a brad pitt hairline lool
10-11-2012, 10:59 PM,
RE: Side Pics
Be interested to hear how you get on next time ! I also find, once I have attached a strip, and before I use my scissors to get a start-point, I rub the thumbs over the paper quite vigorously [whilst applying pressure with my fingers on the hair-side] --the heat generated seems to help the underlying tape to adhere better to the lace, with less chance of it lifting off, when you begin to peel the paper....... the friction obviously generates heat, and this travels through the paper and tape......again, just one of those ` knacks` you develop !!

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