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Question about the material and style
10-02-2012, 08:54 AM,
Question about the material and style
I'm on the verge of taking the plunge and ordering my first 2 systems, after spending a long time considering other options which did not suit me in the end and then reading the forums semi-religiously so I can know how to properly maintain the hairpiece to look its best.

Basically I have my template done, a list of materials I think I will need (for tape/glue I think I'll be using the proflex tape strips and ORWG, with some other stuff for backup in case that doesn't work out to be as durable as I hoped) and some contact info for reliable stylists/salons where I live because I definately don't feel comfortable doing the attachment/de-bonding myself at first.

I'm still on the fence about the material I want to get for my first peices however. I'm still considering super fine swiss lace because from what I've heard its the most undetectable which is a big priority for me. However, I also read that its not the most enduring system and would have to be replaced sooner (honestly if I get 3-4 good months out of it i'll be happy) and being a student in university while juggling a job I don't think I can afford to spend 300$ on this every 2 months. Also I want finer hair on my hairpiece since my own was naturally very fine even before it started thinning all over. The style I want to achieve does not involve exposing the hairline (something like http://static.tvfanatic.com/images/galle...-bangs.jpg but a little less dense probably) but I wanna be prepared for situations like someone lifting up my bangs/touching my head or a windy day etc. where my hairline can be seen.

Would a swiss lace base be good for this style for my first systems? My main concern is obviously not being exposed but I'm concerned the durability won't hold up to my expectations. I'm thinking about alternating systems every 2 weeks or so to reduce wear and tear. Also, from what i've read many people have problems with glue on their hairpiece seeping into hair/loosening prematurely and running/being a pain in the ass to clean, will I be able to get away with just tape for the perimeters or will it be too apparent and a bad idea to do?

Disclaimer: I'm 21 years old and have been diffusely thinning throughout the top since I was maybe 14/15 and its been bothering me for a very long time. Its very noticeable to me but I still have enough hair to pull off shorter styles or just wear hats when i'm really down about it. After considering other options (im already on fin every other day and will continue to take it b/c I want to hold on to my own hair in the hopeful possibility of better treatments coming out in the future) I think this is my most practical option and I really want to get it right so I can put this misery behind me and enjoy my prime with hair. Sorry if this turned out kinda long I just wanted to put out enough info for people to understand what I'm getting at so I don't make the wrong decision. Any help would be really appreciated Smile
10-02-2012, 11:06 AM,
RE: Question about the material and style
It sounds to me as if all your research has served you well.
Yes, I think Superfine or even standard Swiss Lace is the right base.
If you treat it right, 3-4 months wear is more likely than only getting 2 months out of a piece and trading between two pieces is even better.
I think it would more likely be 4-5 months.
Glue only seeps in to the hair & lace if you're lazy like me and put off reattachment for as long as possible.
Those guys who follow a regular routine have no problems.
If you get on with tape, then tape is fine for a perimeter bond.
There is a theory that an all-over bond (with glue) does make the piece less susceptible to shedding hairs, but thats something you can monitor & change as you go along.

With regards to detectability, especially along the hairline, you should appreciate that as a group, we are VERY fussy and keen to pick out any flaw or defect.
We talk about and mention things that the general public would never notice or consider.
Once you've started and stared in to the mirror studying your attachment, I dare say you'll be the same.
So don't let what you've read on this topic unnecessarily concern you.
What we consider an undetectable hairline way surpasses the expectations of people who don't know what they're looking for.
The hairstyle you've chosen is perfect for someone just starting and as you master your attachment, your hairline becoming exposed in various circumstances won't concern you.
Getting the right density & colour match are probably your priorities right now.

Best of luck, I think you'll be fine.
10-02-2012, 09:06 PM,
RE: Question about the material and style
Yeah I agree with what Hersute has said.... I recently had to vary my bonding-routine, as I had visitors staying for a few days-- I usually just do a ` light` bond [ a few short strips of tape here and there] and remove the system nightly....... I use Walker No Shine tape...I found that after the 4th day, when I de-bonded, the tape was beginning to go ` gooey`...... it hadn`t seeped through the lace but I reckon if I left it on for another day or two, it would have given me problems.... just shows that different products ` behave` differently from one person to another..some guys get at least a full week using that tape, with no issues.
The style you are going for, is very easy to ` do` ... Swiss lace is durable enough if you don`t over-do shampooing etc. but to be honest, I wear French lace, and I honestly don`t find a huge difference ---it doesn`t feel any different really, but is usually a bit more durable...why not order one of each ...then you can decide which you prefer, after wearing both.
You could also go for a relatively light density on one and maybe 10% higher on the other, so that the people who know you won`t notice, as you gradually ` ease` into wearing... it will help avoid a sudden flood of ` questions`, if you overnight, appear with a ` sudden` full head of hair.
10-03-2012, 01:46 PM,
RE: Question about the material and style
Thanks for the support! I'm a little nervous about it but i'm willing to put in the effort and perseverance to get this to work. Just focusing on trying not to screw up at the start and get the wrong material/density or damage the piece because as a student who will be taking out loans for schooling for the next few years this stuff isn't exactly cheap for me.
10-03-2012, 03:04 PM,
RE: Question about the material and style
I think I've torn two pieces in 18 years.
Both times I was being too rough and not thinking what I was doing.
I think that kind of damage is rare.
10-03-2012, 03:19 PM,
RE: Question about the material and style
I'm a relative noob myself and I only go with SFS with no problems.I think you can get 3-5 months out of no problems,especially if you're alternating pieces every 2 weeks or so,as I do.You may also consider a combo piece with a French base and SFS at the front hairline (best of both worlds)...Good luck

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