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First post in years. New style with some pictures
05-06-2012, 07:08 AM,
First post in years. New style with some pictures
Hey everyone.
I haven't posted on the forum in years. I mostly come and read up on what the latest is. So I guess I am a lurker lol I thought I would share with you how I wear my hair now as opposed to the old curtain style from 8-10 years ago.
I got the newest lace(ultra lace) from Toplace. I really like it a lot. Its extremely delicate which I like. I have never seen a lace so delicate. I ordered 55% density with blonde in the front 3/4 hairline (which I then color dark so I wont worry about a knot issue) I also have quite a bit of recession now since I am in my mid 40s.
Anyway... sorry the pics aren't the greatest quality. They are from my phone.

The quality of the pictures looks even worse on the thread. I'll have to see if I can fix that. I may do a short video with my face blocked out . I do know that the videos I have done with my phone to "check things out" gives a much much better representation than pictures do . Pictures can give a false reading of things.. for the better or worse.

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05-06-2012, 09:40 AM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
hi! that looks good...more guys should share their photos here!
05-06-2012, 12:39 PM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Are you kidding me, that's a hairpiece? Nobody would EVER pick that!

I think very few guys do what you've done with relation to recession. Thick, dark, bushy hair with the hairline of a 16 year old on a middle ages man is never going to look natural. Good on you for being realistic. It looks brilliant.
05-06-2012, 06:02 PM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
I like it, but if you wanted you could look even younger covering more area on the temples and on the front for example.
05-06-2012, 06:54 PM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Total noob I think you missed the point , it's not about looking younger . Age appropriate hair pieces will not give it away that you are wearing a piece . This in my opinion would still look perfect on someone in there mid 30s .
05-06-2012, 09:34 PM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
That looks terrific for the more mature guy; which let's face it is all of us sooner or later. What is particularly nice is that your piece looks totally natural even though you don't have much in the way of temple points. I would really be interested to see what your template looks like (or the underside of one of your units off your head), if you felt able to share that.
05-07-2012, 02:33 AM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Piece looks very natural, but I agree, a little more coverage in the temple area, and you have it nailed. I am 60, and I don't show that much recession. I concentrate on light density to be age appropriate with a graduated hairline.
05-07-2012, 02:46 AM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I have an old picture on the front of the toplace site in the upper right. It was a curtain style with blonde highlights at the front. When I was doing the template even the stylist (Alicia Hair in Anaheim CA) said I was doing to much recession. (I said no its fine, and that I wanted it that way). She said she only had one other customer to do that much. Then when we did the cut in she seemed surprised at how great it looked. She asked if she could take pictures of it to show others.. I said ok to that. So.. only being a few years removed from 50.. I felt this was the way to go.
While I do have a lot of recession.. I tried to keep it looking somewhat modern by combing it forward away from the crown and doing a little spikey or flip at the front and having some sideburns. My wife really likes it so I feel pretty good about it.
Sagem you are completely right with regards to the age appropriate pieces. I think its hard for guys after 40 to give up the completely full dense hairline.. I know some can pull it off but you know time tends to move so fast that I didn't want to be 50 with a straight across hairline with added hair flaps etc.
On a side note again.. this new lace is really awesome. You literally cannot feel anything. I think its superior to the SFS. The SFS is much stronger than this new lace. And this definitely won't last as long as the SFS. I wonder if its because the ultra lace has no coating or something. But the ultra lace feels much thinner and the lace just completely disappears. It really is amazing.

I see what you're saying winstonage.. But for me.. no more covering temple points.. I want the allusion that I am losing the hair . My wife says this one looks the best on me so I know I can trust her opinion on it. As a note .. my own side hair is about 60% density and the piece is listed at 55%. In a few years I will probably need to start adding grey because my own hair is grey and needs to be dyed every few weeks.

But I do understand this is not for everyone.
05-07-2012, 05:39 AM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
SteveL nice to see you back.. That is pretty amazing. The design you chose looks totally real, The perfect recession and everything.. You always pull off good looks throughout the years.
05-07-2012, 07:37 AM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Hey xeon.. thanks. Good seeing you too. I didn't really go anywhere. I just would read the post every now and again to keep up with the latest.

Here is a picture of the underside of my piece Baldrich. Sorry if its hard to see the contour of the unit. Its really lightweight. My old Farrell pieces were 3 times as thick as this. As you can tell.. the density is really light. 55 % .. should not be mistaken with 70 or 75% that's for sure. Its a lot less than even my last piece at 65%. Definitely like this better for me. A better match for my own side hair.

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