Hi iamme...this video tutorial on Youtube might help... she makes it look a bit time-consuming ...in reality, it takes me less than a minute to trim it off, but have a look anyway...
there are many other tutorial videos on the side of the page there too which might interest you.As for what way to attach... it`s really a matter of experimenting really--find what suits you best..if the partial is very small, well probably glue might be best, if larger, you might like to use tape for the centre and glue on the outer/perimeter part...it`s really a case of trial and error to see what works best for yourself....get yourself a bottle of Knot-sealer too if you don`t have it.. apply VERY sparingly to the underside/base to seal the knots and help avoid shedding. Hope it all works out well for you... Paul.
p.s. The `Info link for newbies`` thread up the top of the forum by Snipe has great info/tips for new/potential wearers..including a tutorial on how to properly apply knot-sealer.