(12-26-2010, 10:32 AM)younggun Wrote: hey balamouti, can you please post a pic of that 3-layers setup?? good be great of reading.
My hair isn't great looking now, but I've still have hair.. but since I've stopped taking propecia (best decision, didn't know I was THAT fucked UP (sorry about the words) in sex relations.. now my THING is working great again!
) I know I have 1 year 1 year and a half of hair until my crown start showing... so I need to have all the things settle down by then!, and I don't want to give money to a club... I just want to order from here and have everything.
One question... I'm a person that not only surfs and skate a lot, but likes to travel... and sometimes I stay in my van for weeks, what will I need to have in those travels? I want my van to be my moving hair club... 2 mirrors, tape, glue, 2 - 3 pieces... (one for surfing, other one for party, and the other one for emergencies!!
), lace remover, ghost bond, and that's it right?? I mean hair shampoo conditioner and all the normal stuff!. I want to buy a cool suitcase => "THE HAIRCASE".
seriously guys, I find this hair wearing stuff kind of funny, I mean if I wasn't balding I wouldn't bother.. but compared to how I was one year ago... all depressive, I'm going to throw my young ages to the trash for looking ugly and bald blabal... I feel way MATURE right now, and since I live by my own and work, study, etc, more and more.
BTW I'm 21.
Hey buddy,
I've been wearing for 4 months or so. I got like 2-3 customs that I alternate every couple weeks.
To release/clean/re-attach it takes 30mins to 1 hour if you are taking your time.
During this time I take a shower, shave etc.
The scariest step is (psychologically) shaving the area crown to front and seeing yourself look like bozo the clown. . .LOL
But it is worth it.
I applied ghost bond perimeter/front, placed the piece on there and voila.
If you are travelling a lot,
bring a couple of good brushes to gently brush hair,
99% alcohol
C22 citrus solvent
2 mirrors
shampoo/conditioner for color treated hair
an exfoliation sponge to scrub your noggin in the shower
Until hair clonning is a reality. . . this is the best option for me.