10-13-2010, 03:04 AM,
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RE: The gym!
Thanks for the responses guys. It is a big relief to hear that I can still hit the gym hard. I really think I am going to give this a shot so I can just stop thinking about it. I had no idea that loosing your hair was such an emotional roller coaster. Maybe it wasn't for you guys but it has been a crazy experience for me. I never realized how many balding people there are in the world until I started balding myself. I really hope this helps me move past this. I don't want to end up like some of the younger guys on the other hair loss forums who let their hair loss ruin their lives.
I know this is asked a million times on this forum but I wanted to know... Are you guys confident in going out in your pieces? Especially in the day time when you are out in the sun. Like I said earlier, I really am ok with people knowing because I am confident in my appearance, but I don't want to look like a joke either. Do they honestly look good? ha ha stupid question I know. I'll just have to figure it out for myself. Thanks again for the help
10-13-2010, 04:06 AM,
Posts: 102
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RE: The gym!
(10-13-2010, 03:04 AM)utah23 Wrote: Thanks for the responses guys. It is a big relief to hear that I can still hit the gym hard. I really think I am going to give this a shot so I can just stop thinking about it. I had no idea that loosing your hair was such an emotional roller coaster. Maybe it wasn't for you guys but it has been a crazy experience for me. I never realized how many balding people there are in the world until I started balding myself. I really hope this helps me move past this. I don't want to end up like some of the younger guys on the other hair loss forums who let their hair loss ruin their lives.
I know this is asked a million times on this forum but I wanted to know... Are you guys confident in going out in your pieces? Especially in the day time when you are out in the sun. Like I said earlier, I really am ok with people knowing because I am confident in my appearance, but I don't want to look like a joke either. Do they honestly look good? ha ha stupid question I know. I'll just have to figure it out for myself. Thanks again for the help
haha yeah mate, i'm confident. I wear everyday to work, in daylight, and the lighting is those neons, so they are bright. never been busted, blending is good. however, I have ordered my base slightly bigger this time, covering more area on the back, so I would have less concerns.
PAUL, why do you think a bond would last longer on poly bases than on lace bases? Imo, if anything, it would be the other way round. The sweat caused by the exercise creates a 'barrier' - pushing poly bases away... with lace, since it is breathable, it wouldn't hold much sweat underneath it. With poly bases, I had found that when you go swimming, some water might get trapped in between your scalp and the base, and besides making the hairpiece heavy, it made me think that it was creating a barrier between my scalp and base. I dont know, Im just asking here.
I have swam and dived and snorkelled for hours successfully in my 3rd week bond, and when I came out, I washed it (while still attached) and got another week. I only removed it cause it was getting slightly itchy and I must say it still gave me a hard time to remove (having to apply shitloads of lace release).
PS. I used to use Red Tape on my Poly bases. Never managed to get as far as a good week's attachment. And I would be pushing it! Once I tried Walkers No shine, and the bond was excellent, but the cleaning was a much BIGGER PAIN IN THE ASS.
I might be inclined to try poly perimeter (like yours Paul), definitely not FULL base though.
10-13-2010, 07:29 AM,
RE: The gym!
Hi again mrjoejohn.... no I wasn`t saying it would last longer but that as the whole scalp/bald area is coated in strong glue and the whole poly is adhered to it, it makes a very strong bond initially ---- like in comparison to a lace base where most wearers only adhere the perimeter and maybe a little strip or two across the centre of the scalp you know? I assume very few wearers would coat the entire scalp with glue and tapes and then sit their all -lace onto it. To do so you`d lose the advantage of allowing your scalp to `breath` and being able to shower and have the water get at the scalp. I think what happens over the duration of any bond, is the part which is glued/taped to the skin [in the case of lace ] does inevitably trap a certain amount of sweat etc..... the acid in the sweat along with moisture and body heat, eventually weakens the bond..... I don`t think the bases are `pushed away` as such --- it`s more of a breaking -down of the adhesives leading to a loosening of the system from the scalp. The red tape you mention --is that the stuff called `` Sensi -tac`` ? That`s really only for short term bonds -- I use it all the time as I do nightly detachments. I was giving this whole topic a bit of thought this afternoon as I was out cutting the grass [yeah I know --I have it bad lol !! ] and I can remember when I was in utah23s position --going through all the usual ``what if`` questions and trying to visualise myself with a full head of hair again. Then when I finally took the plunge with a Salon -- I was literally walking on air !! The `new`me - - I looked 20 yrs younger !! All my self -confidence came back --hadn`t really realised how low it had gone or how miserable I felt with just a few whisps of pathetic hair on top. Then after getting comfortable with it all and going back [and paying a lot of money ] for regular maintenance [de-bonds, cleaning etc ] I began going to the gym. This was OK in winter but in summer with the heat, the bond wouldn`t last as long and I remember one particular morning --- PANIC!!! I could feel the back of my head in the shower and a large wad of my own hair was stuck in a clump which I couldn`t `do`anything with ---had to phone the salon and couldn`t get in there until 2 days later ---the adhesive had began to break down and was weeping down from beneath the poly onto my own hair and `matting`it. God was I really self- conscious !! Did my best to clean it off but you know how tacky and messy it can be -- I had no solvents or anything like that --I left `` all that`` to the salon and my regular appointments with them. I was really very ignorant of what the process involved [very little as I now know ] so the great advantage for guys like utah23 is that once they learn it from the start, they need not be relying on some over-priced Salon and can feel confident that should the need arise during a bond, that it has to be re -done just that little bit earlier than expected, they are not having to literally `sweat it out`waiting for an appointment while wearing a system which has become loose -- I was panicking that it would literally fall off [it wouldn`t have ] and didn`t know that even with the adhesive becoming unstable, the system would stay in place pretty much OK until I got to the Salon. I have had a few instances of the system becoming loose during sleep --usually in summertime and towards the end of the normal wear period --disconcerting for a person who hadn`t a clue! That was usually into the third week of a bond with an all -poly base. Having your own glues/tapes and clean -up products at home is great --you`re in control. I find the poly strip around part of the perimeter is very easy to clean which is my main reason for using it and it helps with positioning the system too -- one of the possible draw-backs to consider is that the venting on poly is that bit different to the tying of knots on lace but I honestly haven`t noticed any difference that I can see when looking in the mirror -- it looks fine to me and others too.
mrjoejohn you raised another important thing to remember for new wearers and especially for guys who are still actively thinning---- John has mentioned this too on here ---- check your bald area at the back especially, as this can continue to `` fall`` and the original template you submitted with your first order, may no longer be representative of your bald area --you may need to consider making a new template after your first year or so of wearing --again it varies from person to person but worth bearing in mind --nothing worse than ordering a new system [s] and finding it/they are not adequately covering the bald area due to continued thinning / recession towards the back.
Finally just to say I personally wouldn`t wear all -poly again as the lace is so much healthier in allowing air at the skin on the scalp and prevents build-up of sweat, oils and dirt. Prolonged wearing of them [in my past experience] leads to skin irritations at least, and I have heard of at least 2 clients of the Salon , developing infections needing medical attention.How embarrassing to have to go `out`yourself to the Doc and ask for an anti -biotic cream for your head !! I also would just mention to utah23 that like him, I NEVER noticed bald/ing people really --never `` registered`` with me --when it was my turn to lose hair --different story !!Paranoid totally !!! LOL ! Seriously, the last Salon I used, the lady who owned it told me that you`d be surprised the number of teenagers coming in losing their hair and who are/were literally suicidal --really makes you think how much of a serious thing it is for so many people all over the world [a fact the Salons exploit fully ] Thankfully we have Toplace and a reasonably -priced solution to our dilemma.... long may it last !! Happy wearing everyone -- Paul.
10-13-2010, 08:10 AM,
Posts: 102
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Joined: Aug 2010
RE: The gym!
(10-13-2010, 07:29 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Hi again mrjoejohn.... no I wasn`t saying it would last longer but that as the whole scalp/bald area is coated in strong glue and the whole poly is adhered to it, it make a very strong bond initially ---- like in comparison to a lace base where most wearers only adhere the perimeter and maybe a little strip or two across the centre of the scalp you know? I assume very few wearers would coat the entire scalp with glue and tapes and then sit their all -lace onto it. To do so you`d lose the advantage of allowing your scalp to `breath` and being able to shower and have the water get at the scalp. I think what happens over the duration of any bond, is the part which is glued/taped to the skin [in the case of lace ] does inevitably trap a certain amount of sweat etc..... the acid in the sweat along with moisture and body heat, eventually weakens the bond..... I don`t think the bases are `pushed away` as such --- it`s more of a breaking -down of the adhesives leading to a loosening of the system from the scalp. The red tape you mention --is that the stuff called `` Sensi -tac`` ? That`s really only for short term bonds -- I use it all the time as I do nightly detachments. I was giving this whole topic a bit of thought this afternoon as I was out cutting the grass [yeah I know --I have it bad lol !! ] and I can remember when I was in utah23s position --going through all the usual ``what if`` questions and trying to visualise myself with a full head of hair again. Then when I finally took the plunge with a Salon -- I was literally walking on air !! The `new`me - - I looked 20 yrs younger !! All my self -confidence came back --hadn`t really realised how low it had gone or how miserable I felt with just a few whisps of pathetic hair on top. Then after getting comfortable with it all and going back [and paying a lot of money ] for regular maintenance [de-bonds, cleaning etc ] I began going to the gym. This was OK in winter but in summer with the heat, the bond wouldn`t last as long and I remember one particular morning --- PANIC!!! I could feel the back of my head in the shower and a large wad of my own hair was stuck in a clump which I couldn`t `do`anything with ---had to phone the salon and couldn`t get in there until 2 days later ---the adhesive had began to break down and was weeping down from beneath the poly onto my own hair and `matting`it. God was I really self- conscious !! Did my best to clean it off but you know how tacky and messy it can be -- I had no solvents or anything like that --I left `` all that`` to the salon and my regular appointments with them. I was really very ignorant of what the process involved [very little as I now know ] so the great advantage for guys like utah23 is that once they learn it from the start, they need not be relying on some over-priced Salon and can feel confident that should the need arise during a bond, that it has to be re -done just that little bit earlier than expected, they are not having to literally `sweat it out`waiting for an appointment while wearing a system which has become loose -- I was panicking that it would literally fall off [it wouldn`t have ] and didn`t know that even with the adhesive becoming unstable, the system would stay in place pretty much OK until I got to the Salon. I have had a few instances of the system becoming loose during sleep --usually in summertime and towards the end of the normal wear period --disconcerting for a person who hadn`t a clue! That was usually into the third week of a bond with an all -poly base. Having your own glues/tapes and clean -up products at home is great --you`re in control. I find the poly strip around part of the perimeter is very easy to clean which is my main reason for using it and it helps with positioning the system too -- one of the possible draw-backs to consider is that the venting on poly is that bit different to the tying of knots on lace but I honestly haven`t noticed any difference that I can see when looking in the mirror -- it looks fine to me and others too.
mrjoejohn you raised another important thing to remember for new wearers and especially for guys who are still actively thinning---- John has mentioned this too on here ---- check your bald area at the back especially, as this can continue to `` fall`` and the original template you submitted with your first order, may no longer be representative of your bald area --you may need to consider making a new template after your first year or so of wearing --again it varies from person to person but worth bearing in mind --nothing worse than ordering a new system [s] and finding it/they are not adequately covering the bald area due to continued thinning / recession towards the back.
Finally just to say I personally wouldn`t wear all -poly again as the lace is so much healthier in allowing air at the skin on the scalp and prevents build-up of sweat, oils and dirt. Prolonged wearing of them [in my past experience] leads to skin irritations at least, and I have heard of at least 2 clients of the Salon , developing infections needing medical attention.How embarrassing to have to go `out`yourself to the Doc and ask for an anti -biotic cream for your head !! I also would just mention to utah23 that like him, I NEVER noticed bald/ing people really --never `` registered`` with me --when it was my turn to lose hair --different story !!Paranoid totally !!! LOL ! Seriously, the last Salon I used, the lady who owned it told me that you`d be surprised the number of teenagers coming in losing their hair and who are/were literally suicidal --really makes you think how much of a serious thing it is for so many people all over the world [a fact the Salons exploit fully ] Thankfully we have Toplace and a reasonably -priced solution to our dilemma.... long may it last !! Happy wearing everyone -- Paul.
excellent post Paul.
Yes I was depressive when I was balding... had no confidence left in me. I had also gone down the wrong road as well, hence I definitely had to kick myself in the ass and do something about it. I had never thought there would come a day when I'd be helping fellow newbies out on a hairloss/ hairpiece forum. But to be honest, I felt so relieved when I looked a thousand times better with a toplace unit on, that I felt I had to share my story to help people who may be feeling the way I did for over 2 years (at least) to let them know there IS A SOLUTION. Not a miracle, but a solid solution. I have never participated in a forum before.
Like you said, Paul, long may it last and happy wearing guys.
10-13-2010, 09:16 AM,
Senior Member
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RE: The gym!
i love reading thease very informative and emotional posts.
im waiting for my skin system. waiting for a call from the salon.
any day now.i had a interview today(boots asst,they loved my interview seid i did really well, but didnt have the hours left i wanted),id have loved to have washed my hair, but it takes to long to style,and i'd have cancelled the intreview if my hair wasent right,im getting more real bad hair wash days now than ever before,.i now fear washing my hair.
why, because i defeat the object.
by the time iv tipped my nano fibers on, then decided its not right, my hairs dry, thick of dam hairspray.then comb out the nano fibers, start again.
its bloody hell.
i cant wait till im wearing(worried , hell yeah)
just to have clean hair,that i used to love years ago.
and hair i can sytle and be in control of.(wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
what a bloody change this will be,
what a relife that only you folk realise here
looking forward to living again,a new way,cant wait to begin my new journey,
a new life with a new partner you could say.
10-13-2010, 09:57 AM,
Posts: 102
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RE: The gym!
I can relate to you mate.
Hair is like having another partner. I just received my toplace order number 2 today, and I'm very happy, can't wait to try it out! Looks better than my first order.
Good luck anty. I don't cancel interviews anymore  I don't want to ruin your optimism because its the way to go, but I can see a half empty glass if you know what I mean. You will look excellent from day 1, don't get me wrong, but, if you are anything like me, you'll say, okay, Im gonna dedicate the first week of wearing to making it look as close to perfect as possible, and you will spend loads of time on it during the first week of wearing, but... sticking to it like a fly on a s*it (excuse the pun) will ensure you will walk out of the door brimming with confidence mate.
least you want to do is get busted on your first day, it will ruin your experience. in time, it will all get soooo easier, just be patient with it, just like a partner
10-13-2010, 10:31 AM,
Posts: 114
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RE: The gym!
(10-13-2010, 07:29 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Hi again mrjoejohn.... no I wasn`t saying it would last longer but that as the whole scalp/bald area is coated in strong glue and the whole poly is adhered to it, it makes a very strong bond initially ---- like in comparison to a lace base where most wearers only adhere the perimeter and maybe a little strip or two across the centre of the scalp you know? I assume very few wearers would coat the entire scalp with glue and tapes and then sit their all -lace onto it. To do so you`d lose the advantage of allowing your scalp to `breath` and being able to shower and have the water get at the scalp. I think what happens over the duration of any bond, is the part which is glued/taped to the skin [in the case of lace ] does inevitably trap a certain amount of sweat etc..... the acid in the sweat along with moisture and body heat, eventually weakens the bond..... I don`t think the bases are `pushed away` as such --- it`s more of a breaking -down of the adhesives leading to a loosening of the system from the scalp. The red tape you mention --is that the stuff called `` Sensi -tac`` ? That`s really only for short term bonds -- I use it all the time as I do nightly detachments. I was giving this whole topic a bit of thought this afternoon as I was out cutting the grass [yeah I know --I have it bad lol !! ] and I can remember when I was in utah23s position --going through all the usual ``what if`` questions and trying to visualise myself with a full head of hair again. Then when I finally took the plunge with a Salon -- I was literally walking on air !! The `new`me - - I looked 20 yrs younger !! All my self -confidence came back --hadn`t really realised how low it had gone or how miserable I felt with just a few whisps of pathetic hair on top. Then after getting comfortable with it all and going back [and paying a lot of money ] for regular maintenance [de-bonds, cleaning etc ] I began going to the gym. This was OK in winter but in summer with the heat, the bond wouldn`t last as long and I remember one particular morning --- PANIC!!! I could feel the back of my head in the shower and a large wad of my own hair was stuck in a clump which I couldn`t `do`anything with ---had to phone the salon and couldn`t get in there until 2 days later ---the adhesive had began to break down and was weeping down from beneath the poly onto my own hair and `matting`it. God was I really self- conscious !! Did my best to clean it off but you know how tacky and messy it can be -- I had no solvents or anything like that --I left `` all that`` to the salon and my regular appointments with them. I was really very ignorant of what the process involved [very little as I now know ] so the great advantage for guys like utah23 is that once they learn it from the start, they need not be relying on some over-priced Salon and can feel confident that should the need arise during a bond, that it has to be re -done just that little bit earlier than expected, they are not having to literally `sweat it out`waiting for an appointment while wearing a system which has become loose -- I was panicking that it would literally fall off [it wouldn`t have ] and didn`t know that even with the adhesive becoming unstable, the system would stay in place pretty much OK until I got to the Salon. I have had a few instances of the system becoming loose during sleep --usually in summertime and towards the end of the normal wear period --disconcerting for a person who hadn`t a clue! That was usually into the third week of a bond with an all -poly base. Having your own glues/tapes and clean -up products at home is great --you`re in control. I find the poly strip around part of the perimeter is very easy to clean which is my main reason for using it and it helps with positioning the system too -- one of the possible draw-backs to consider is that the venting on poly is that bit different to the tying of knots on lace but I honestly haven`t noticed any difference that I can see when looking in the mirror -- it looks fine to me and others too.
mrjoejohn you raised another important thing to remember for new wearers and especially for guys who are still actively thinning---- John has mentioned this too on here ---- check your bald area at the back especially, as this can continue to `` fall`` and the original template you submitted with your first order, may no longer be representative of your bald area --you may need to consider making a new template after your first year or so of wearing --again it varies from person to person but worth bearing in mind --nothing worse than ordering a new system [s] and finding it/they are not adequately covering the bald area due to continued thinning / recession towards the back.
Finally just to say I personally wouldn`t wear all -poly again as the lace is so much healthier in allowing air at the skin on the scalp and prevents build-up of sweat, oils and dirt. Prolonged wearing of them [in my past experience] leads to skin irritations at least, and I have heard of at least 2 clients of the Salon , developing infections needing medical attention.How embarrassing to have to go `out`yourself to the Doc and ask for an anti -biotic cream for your head !! I also would just mention to utah23 that like him, I NEVER noticed bald/ing people really --never `` registered`` with me --when it was my turn to lose hair --different story !!Paranoid totally !!! LOL ! Seriously, the last Salon I used, the lady who owned it told me that you`d be surprised the number of teenagers coming in losing their hair and who are/were literally suicidal --really makes you think how much of a serious thing it is for so many people all over the world [a fact the Salons exploit fully ] Thankfully we have Toplace and a reasonably -priced solution to our dilemma.... long may it last !! Happy wearing everyone -- Paul.
In regards to using lace, I used Safe-grip white adhesive for a full head bond (2-3 layers) for my first time 2 days ago. OMG, It's awesome.
I keep running my fingers through the join and I can't tell where it is at!
I got a light density piece so you can see some scalp here and there.
Took a magnifying mirror and closely inspected the back where you can see my scalp some. But you can't see the lace cuz it's sitting (glued) flush on my scalp.
Also, when I sleep, go outside, shower etc. I totally forget about the piece on my head cuz it feels and looks part of me.
My only concern now is cleaning it on Sunday (7 days) when I de/re.
If it takes me 10 more minutes of mirror slide. . . I'm ok with that. It's worth it.
I don't feel any itching and I can still feel the wind and water etc.
Perimeter bond:
good for it's simplicity. But, it did not feel "part of me". It did not feel totally secure. I have not tried putting a couple of pieces of tape right down the middle though. I imagine that would help the unit's feel.
When I would run my fingers through the join I could totally feel the join.
My 2 cents (I'm a total newb!)
10-13-2010, 12:17 PM,
Posts: 102
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Joined: Aug 2010
RE: The gym!
hi balamouti
do you mean you could feel the perimeter while using Safe Grip?
I haven't tried Safe Grip yet, but would like to someday. I currently use Ultrahold and has found it really good. I only apply the front bit with glue though, this Ultrahold is really really strong! That's what I like about it. It's acryclic and can be a bit messy, but so far, well worth it, and I only apply like 2 coats lol. Some of the front bit I can detect, some other parts are totally undetectable (to the touch). But I have been getting better at this. I found out I was applying too little glue, so the base didn't 'sink in'. Now, I'm leaving a little more... I can definitely see a difference. I'll get it 100% next time!
12-26-2010, 05:21 AM,
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RE: The gym!
great reading
12-26-2010, 10:32 AM,
Posts: 146
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Joined: Oct 2010
RE: The gym!
hey balamouti, can you please post a pic of that 3-layers setup?? good be great of reading.
My hair isn't great looking now, but I've still have hair.. but since I've stopped taking propecia (best decision, didn't know I was THAT fucked UP (sorry about the words) in sex relations.. now my THING is working great again!  ) I know I have 1 year 1 year and a half of hair until my crown start showing... so I need to have all the things settle down by then!, and I don't want to give money to a club... I just want to order from here and have everything.
One question... I'm a person that not only surfs and skate a lot, but likes to travel... and sometimes I stay in my van for weeks, what will I need to have in those travels? I want my van to be my moving hair club... 2 mirrors, tape, glue, 2 - 3 pieces... (one for surfing, other one for party, and the other one for emergencies!!  ), lace remover, ghost bond, and that's it right?? I mean hair shampoo conditioner and all the normal stuff!. I want to buy a cool suitcase => "THE HAIRCASE".
seriously guys, I find this hair wearing stuff kind of funny, I mean if I wasn't balding I wouldn't bother.. but compared to how I was one year ago... all depressive, I'm going to throw my young ages to the trash for looking ugly and bald blabal... I feel way MATURE right now, and since I live by my own and work, study, etc, more and more.
BTW I'm 21.