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Removing my system for the 1st time
05-25-2010, 12:59 PM,
Removing my system for the 1st time
Hi everyone,

I'm removing my system for the first time tonight (after 5 nights of wearing it)... Its a SFS lace system and I used glue in the front and tape around the perimeter. It's starting to lift everywhere so I figured it's time that I take it off and reattach. I haven't received my supplies to release and clean up yet in the mail but I was wondering if 99% alcohol will be enough for the first time? I'm going to do the mirror slide and all that but is it ok to soak the system in that alcohol? Any help is greatly appreciated!
05-25-2010, 04:46 PM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
pretty brave for you to go all glue on your first attachment .. i think the hold time varies for glue by quite a lot so careful that thing falling out
05-26-2010, 04:23 AM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
I used to do all glue for years, always worked fine, did not even know about tape till finding this place but I do like the tape on the back and sides with glue and tape in the front now....

With glue, use lace release to help taking the peice off, then use DUCT TAPE on you scalp to remove ecess tape from you head. Stick the duct tape on you glue patches and pull off the glue with the tape. When I used lace release, the glue always stayed on my skin. If you do need to remove glue from the piece, I used to use a citrus solvent and let is soak on the glue, then I washed the piece in the sink with your shampoo of choice and water and used a wash cloth to gently brush away the glue that has soaked up the solvent.
05-26-2010, 08:39 AM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
99% and a mirror slide should do fine this time, especially with just a 5 day attach time. When you get your "chemistry kit", you can use some de-solve it or citrus to soak where the attachment was to prevent adhesive build-up in your unit. Use care with swiss lace when mirror sliding.
05-27-2010, 02:16 AM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
You use DUCT tape to remove tape residue from the scalp--that's the first time I've heard of that method. Is it painful?
05-27-2010, 11:30 AM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
No, it's like putting tape on your skin and peeling it off except the duct tape removes the tape residue....Very simple and fool proof.
05-27-2010, 07:45 PM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
Hi everyone,

I didn't remove my system until earlier tonight and let me tell you that I found it extremely difficult! John, I told you that it was hard for me to put it on the first time, well... taking it off and putting it back on was even harder! Maybe its cause I'm just a newbie but... wow! Thankfully I have someone to help me. I have *no* idea how you all put that thing on by yourselves! And under 3 hours for crying out loud! Hopefully with more practice I can get it right and be much faster at it. I use tape around the perimeter and glue in the front... however, I *have* to get new tape because the type I use is nearly impossible to peel off. It just won't stick to the lace and peel off easily like in all the videos. I use walker no shine and it has no lift anywhere for me to peel off! I ordered supertape and I hope that works well.

A question I have for you all... after doing the mirror slide... is ALL residue suppose to be off the system? Because I did the best I could but as much as I tried, there is still *SOME* tape and glue residue on the lace and I just couldn't take it ALL off... is that normal or did I totally screw up?
05-27-2010, 11:29 PM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
sounds like my first time. Back when I used tape, I had horrible times detaching and reattaching my unit. The tape was hard to get off the unit, and after cleaning it wouldn't stick to the lace. And I had residue in the lace after mirror slide. I finally got the whole procedure down to about 45 minutes.

First I put a bandana around my head, resting just below where my attach was. Next, I applied 99% alcohol on the unit where the tape is from a small squirt bottle that I set up just for that purpose; use a liberal amount, squish it in good, and the unit will detach from the tape rather easily with little to no residue on the lace. The 99% neutralizes the adhesive, but will not clean as effectively as other solvents. Anyway, the tape should stay on your head. If it doesn't, it will peel off with more 99% from the lace side of the unit. Once the 99% has evaped enough, you can begin the mirror slide. If your attachment is only 7 days or less, there should be minimal residue to slide off. If you have a lot of breakdown, switch tapes. Supertape is good, never tried Walker, but heard it's good too.

Now to get the tape off your head, use 99% or just peel it off. Getting the residue off your head needs something to dissolve the glue, like citrus or de-solve-it, or duct tape(!) as described in this thread. After cleaning yourself and your unit, you are ready to reattach. I always put tape on my head first rather than the unit because I could never the tape to properly stick to the lace well. Lace is not very receptive to tape in my experience, and I got tired of hassling with it and put tape on my head instead. However you apply the tape, when you reattach, spritz some 99% on either the tape or the unit to allow you time to adjust the unit to proper position. The 99% will evaporate, and you will have a good bond. For a glue front, after attaching the unit with tape, before flipping up the front mark the hairline with a pencil, comb, or anything to leave a pattern so as to guide you in glue application. Flip up the front and apply the glue according to the pattern. Once you get basic de/reattach down, you can personalize your routine. Remember, the longer the attachment, the bigger the mess to clean.

This is/was my routine, and should help guide you to find what works for you. Other wearers will have their tips, also, allowing you to pick and choose what works.
05-28-2010, 02:40 PM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
It gets easier each time you do it. You get a 'feel' for it and it's not that difficult.
05-29-2010, 08:11 AM,
RE: Removing my system for the 1st time
Thanks everyone for your tips on improving my routine! I actually ended up putting the tape on my scalp first instead of on the lace... its working out fine. Hopefully with time, I'll have it down pat!

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