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Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
Used it 1-3 months
Used it 4-6 months
Used it 7-12 months
Used it over a year
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Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
11-09-2009, 03:02 AM,
Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
Many people try Rogaine when they first start losing their hair. Did you? Please answer the poll question. Later we'll have another poll about the results you got with Rogaine.
11-09-2009, 05:48 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
Rogaine was the first product I tried for hair loss. I started out using the generic 2% formula but it was too harsh on the scalp so I eventually switched to the 5% non-alcoholic Rogaine Foam. It was much easier to apply.
11-09-2009, 03:22 PM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
Never tried Rogaine, but I was on Propecia for about a year??

It definitely re-grew a noticeable amount of hair, but unfortunately my hair was so far gone it didn't make enough of a difference so I stopped taking it.
11-10-2009, 10:06 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?

I didn't realise I was thinning at the back, until a night out over Christmas in 2005 where one of my friends said ''Kev, you've got a bald patch".

I've not read enough positive reviews of Rogaine etc to buy it. It just seems a risk, and with concealers although just as expensive, they are an instant fix to the problem, similar to a transplant. I don't have that huge amount of cash, or don't fancy paying it off at some rate a month for the next few years, that a couple of wigs will do be fine for the now. If I win the lottery maybe I'll get something done, but some tape, a bit of hair from China, and some spray on conditioner and gel will do me fine for the now..
11-11-2009, 06:07 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
I think all rogaine and propecia are really good for is keeping the hair you have. Thats even how they market it on TV. Keep what you have. What does that tell you guys? Most guys who wear a hairpiece dont want to keep what they have, they want ALOT more
11-11-2009, 06:08 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
well maybe some might want to preserve their side hair. hmmm
11-11-2009, 06:37 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
I used a product which had minoxidil in it for about 6 years. I didn't get much new growth, but for awhile, it seemed to help me maintain some. Then I gradually began to lose the hairloss battle. One of the best things about "wearing" is I no longer look in the mirror and become depressed that I am going bald. I also, no longer count hairs on the bottom of the shower floor like I once did. FREEDOM!

11-12-2009, 06:27 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
freedom in an interesting choice of words. It does give you freedom, but at the same time your a slave too lol. Slave to hair systems.
11-13-2009, 06:50 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
True on the freedom. I would rather be a slave to my hair piece every 10 or so days than to have to deal with fibers and hairspray and fear of losing more hair...daily!
11-14-2009, 04:29 AM,
Re: Poll: How many of you have tried Rogaine?
Let's get some more votes on this poll.

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