Re: Ben Affleck again (Photos)
James Kennedy: obnoxious right back at ya mate. I am not slating the guy off; quite the opposite. I am on a wig forum commenting on tips for making my wig look good; so chill out. I do think (in fact I know) that people in real life subconsciously register when people's hair looks "funny", even if they can't necessarily say why. One of the things they register is a full head of hair on top, but no temples. Sure, not everyone will put two-and-two together and realise it is a rug, but it is drawing attention to something which you don't want to draw attention to. Here's another example, Peter Orszag: looks OK from the front, but once you see his sides, no temples = dead giveaway. Everyone in America has spotted that one.
Frankly, if you aren't alive to (not so subtle) nuances of this kind, I wouldn't want you cutting my hair.
Hairagain: Sorry mate; just can't work out what you're trying to say at all. Thanks for playing.
BA: I agree, one solution to losing your temples is a comb-down style, provided you keep your head vertical and the wind isn't too strong. Not sure about the matching ear-rings though.
Dave83: Ah, finally a voice of reason. I think you're right. A miniature FUE transplant is the answer, provided it works.