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Front partial
08-20-2011, 01:59 AM,
Front partial
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and am seriously considering going down the system route. I've always had very stylish hair that I've taken time to do but I have started receding in the last 18 months to a Norwood 3. The recession is mainly in the hairline and temple region and although I can almost hide it, it is becoming more and more apparent. I know a case like this isn't as severe as others I have seen with thinning on the whole head, but I figure that I will have to wear a system in the future anyway, so I am looking to buy a front partial for my hair line and temples as thickness is good everywhere else.

I have seen that many people are in the same situation...however I am struggling to find any pictures.

If you are/have been in my situation and went down the route of getting a front partial (particularly with temples) then I would be hugely grateful if you could post pictures.

To be honest, the whole situation is getting me really down and I would like to know that me considering a system is a worthwhile pursuit. Any other advice you can give would be hugely helpful.

Thanks guys,

08-20-2011, 08:06 AM,
RE: Front partial
im only 20 years old.. I was in the same boat as you all of last year... slight recession but noticeable mainly temples.. in may i ordered a stock unit that i planned to cut parital units out of.. then, cut a "boomerang" shape that filled my area of recession... did not no what to expect..

results: 10/10: changed my life, looks terrific, no one has the slightest suspicion other than "youre hair looks good grown out!"

i use ghost bond and thats it.. bond lasts about 2 weeks... never get any lifting, or any problems for that matter... lol to be honest, when i read this discussion board im shocked to hear all the minor problems people have.. I was a complete newb. but to me its as simple, as... glue it to the part of your head receding, take it off every 2 weeks to clean... lol, idk "btw i cut the hair myself!!! not hard!"

anyways, this is my first time on the site since may and the only reason i decided to log on was because today i saw a "hair club commercial" and it made me remember all the pointless hours/days/years i spend worrying about my hair. and i realized how i havent thought about my hair once since i got my unit... in a way, once i got my unit. i moved on... so im here right now just to thank everyone on the form especially John for giving me my life back... i have pictures posted of my first attachment minutes after attachment. before styling, or cutting. I would post more if i had a camera, "in in college" but i can tell you it looks perfect, you wouldnt believe me if i told you i was wearing...

well this is prolly going to be the last time on this forum, I just wanted to give everyone a long over due update... anyone considering do it. even if its slight recession, it never made sense to me why people told me to wait until it gets worse...
08-20-2011, 10:53 AM,
RE: Front partial
Thanks for your encouraging post Michael. If there's any way you can get a pic, please do, Feel free to private me.

I should have said, I'm only 23 myself, so I would love to hear from younger wearers as well as more experienced ones.

I imagine that I would have to shave some hair down if I was to get a system. Does anyone have any insight on how often I would have to do this.

Again, any advice on any area of hair systems and wearing them would be greatly appreciated.
08-20-2011, 08:02 PM,
RE: Front partial
hi rich-uk,

without a shadow of a doubt,its worth while.
like most of the wearers here, we tried the medications, and there over inflated promises,
question? how long does it take you to style youre hair,does the fact youve got some reccesion mean it takes you alot longer,or that you cant acheive the style you like.
the advice really is, do it before it becomes noticibale to people,as you wont have to explain youre new hair.maybee you could get along a bitt longer concealling.
you coul upload a pic with youre face partialy discuised.

yes you do have to shave the part of youre scalp youre covering.
usually once every 2-3 weeks,offcourse it depends how quick youre own natural hair grows.
and the time of year as they say hair grows quicker at diffrent times of the year.
anyway,its not rocket science. once you know what youre doing its pretty easy.

you'd be mad not to.
it obviousley concerns you to a point as you woudnt have posted youre concerns on the forum.
best thing i did,
"one life, one oppertunity to look youre best be youre best, hell who woudnt want that "
anty Smile
08-20-2011, 08:44 PM,
RE: Front partial
http://forum.toplace.com/showthread.php?tid=4227&page=1 Michael`s thread/pics from when he came here first.....
Note: for any new readers, if you`d like to find/see all posts/threads by any members, just click on their user-name, and a page will open showing their statistics.....you`ll see highlighted in Blue ``Find all threads-Find all posts``...just click on whichever one you want, and a page opens showing the various ones... on the left-hand side you`ll see `Thread:` and underneath `Post:`...just click on the Blue writing[title] alongside `Post`...... not all threads and / or posts will contain pics., but many do. Might be of interest/help to you in navigating your way around the forum...cheers, Paul.
08-21-2011, 03:53 AM,
RE: Front partial
This is all great, thank you so much guys. Please keep the input coming in, I'm learning so much.

What do you guys do in terms of using hair product and washing your hair/system?

Apologies if it seems like I'm asking stupid questions! Like I say, I'm pretty new to this so I want to get the complete lowdown.


08-21-2011, 08:15 PM,
RE: Front partial
Have a read of the thread `What`s the best density for a fullcap`` a few lines down the forum there...my reply has my own approach to maintenance etc. You need to use sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner..these are available from various suppliers..Debbie`s site has mostly everything you need to get you going/off the ground,including knot-sealer under the `Accessories` link. http://www.splitendshairreplacement.com/...ds_002.htm
The Remysoft is excellent but a bit `pricey`when the shipping charge is added on top, outside of USA. Dryness is the main problem for system hair....a good leave-in conditioner,and infrequent shampooing rather than daily, is the best way in my opinion. If sleeping with the system bonded, use a satin or silk pillow slip as cotton has a rough texture and can snag hair leading to breakage, and also leaches moisture.... wearing need not be a major issue/chore provided you follow a few simple ground-rules and use common-sense. Paul.

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