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Fullcap with a head of hair?
11-14-2009, 08:58 AM,
Fullcap with a head of hair?
Hello Smile,

I'm considering a full-cap, but the problem is, that i have hair all over my head (I'm 19 years old). I have androgenetic alopecia (it runs very aggressive in my family) and my hair is falling out at a TREMENDOUS rate ( i think 250 a day or maybe even more). I can still style it in a way (well, it takes time and i have to let my hair grow longer) that outside people can barely notice it (except the top). I'm very sure, that i can't hold it back, cause it's just to aggressive and i have tried almost everything (minoxidil, finasteride and even much heavier medications) and it did nothing.
So the trick is to skip to a full-cap BEFORE (most important) people notice it. I just want to do it, because it is so incredible depressing to see this huge amount of hair falling out every day. I just sit quiet in front of my desk at work and in the end of the day i have blown away about 20 hairs or something ...i want to stop worrying about that damn hairloss Sad
But does it make sense, when i have hair all over my head? When i wear a fullcap and my shaved hair is growing with all that tape and glue on ...?

I would appreciate some information about that.

Best regards
11-14-2009, 04:35 PM,
Re: Fullcap with a head of hair?
Do it now man. It wont be as big a transistion and also you wont be depressed by seeing all your hair fall out. Im young like you and i know how it feels losing your hair this young. its really really depressing.
11-15-2009, 07:12 AM,
Re: Fullcap with a head of hair?
Do you lose hair from the sides and back of your head? Maybe a full cap is a little extreme? If i were u i would make a template from the area in which you are losing hair or predict your baldness will be. Id try and keep my real hair for as long as i can. And than when u find its getting too difficult u shave off the balding areas and replace it with a system. I just think maybe a full cap right now is a bit extreme?
11-16-2009, 09:18 AM,
Re: Fullcap with a head of hair?
Hey man,
I'm 19 too and I've been wearing for like three months. I still have a fair bit of hair on top, just no hairline and a thin crown. I remove every 2 weeks and the growing hair isn't that big of a deal. You will want a lace unit for the hair to grow through so the glue stays strong. Sometimes the hair might loosen an edge, but you can shave that spot and re-glue if its that big of a deal. I usually only re-glue the hairline if it loosens and don't worry about the back and sides. If you have people feeling your scalp all the time then remove weekly and no one will feel any growing hair.
11-17-2009, 04:33 PM,
Re: Fullcap with a head of hair?
One of the small disadvantages to a full cap is that after about 4-5 days you will probably be able to feel stubble growing through the lace. I don't think it's a huge deal, but it is something to be aware of. After going full cap I would never go back to a partial unit. I don't even know if I would go back if I had plenty of side and back hair. It's just so much easier when you don't have to worry about color, blending, etc.

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