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23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
09-25-2014, 10:28 AM,
23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request

23 year old NW 2-3 guy here looking to get a partial system. I have bad temple recession (for my age). So much so that I want to treat it. Fin and minox are not medications I want to take anymore. This forum seems great, so let’s get started. I have done a lot of reading on here, but haven’t taken any notes (I will from now on). So all my knowledge is based off of my memory.

I would like a partial system because my crown seems to be alright for now. A hair transplant doc once looked at it and said it was probably at 60% density. Anyway, take a look at my pictures and decide for yourself: http://imgur.com/a/6Jl1s
Here are some older albums I made in the past while I was experimenting with minoxidil.
Baseline: http://imgur.com/a/NLsq3
5 months minoxidil: http://imgur.com/a/hiqpR (note: I attributed the apparent improvement to the new haircut, “high and tight”, rather than the effect of minoxidil at the time. In reality, minoxidil was probably helping, but I have decided since that I do not want to go the route of medications and surgery for iffy, invasive, and irreversible results.

1) Template:
I would like a partial. I have read from this forum that that is a good idea when you have a decent crown. I also see it being easier to attach and remove than a topper.
a) Should I go for the deeper template that I have drawn in my album (http://i.imgur.com/Dxeniuc.jpg )? Or should I go for a more U-shaped partial? I read that the smaller the piece, the more likely you will be to damage it with frequent attachment/removal. Two separate partials at the temples only seems likea bad idea as my hairline at the centre is very graduated ( you can see into my scalp in pictures) and I don’t like that to begin with for my age.
b) I live in Ontario and could go see Nick in Toronto, but he is very expensive. He also asks for you to do your own template at home, so I see no advantage going to him other than hands-on lessons on attaching and cutting it in. I want to do the template on my own at home. I can see where I would like the hairline to be because I still have some baby hairs outlining a good hairline position. But after wrapping your head in all the ceran wrap and tape, I don’t think I will be able to see where that desired hairline is anymore. Do any of you know any tricks using a completely washable marker that I can use to draw on my hairline before wrapping my head up with plastic so I can still see where the desired hairline is? Or do I have to just eyeball it? I can fold the template up for mailing, right?
c) Hair samples: I guess I have to cut two locks of hair out. It should be from the top of the hair, right? That makes sense to me. It might look weird with a chunk missing, but oh well. Its only temporary. Do the samples have to be “fresh” when I send them, or can I cut them now then hold on to them for a few weeks in a zip lock bag?

2) Base material:
I plan on ordering the TL 100 Super Fine Swiss lace. I read that it is the most undetectable. I want to expose the hairline by spiking it up at the front.
a) In the order form (http://www.toplace.com/order_form.html), under Hair Style, do I specify Spikey Front or Freestyle? I know I would like to spike the front, but I don’t want it to look odd; I want it to look like natural hair that I styled myself, not perma-fixed in one direct. So that’s why I was thinking freestyle to be safe. I also may chicken out from exposing the hairline at first until I am more experienced.
I read that swiss lace is the most fragile for new users due to rough handling. But it is breathable for working out – except in the case of using all glue as the adhesive, which I’ll get to soon.
b) Under “Base Design” (http://www.toplace.com/order_form.html), do I have to draw arrows? I wouldn’t really know what I was doing even if did fill in this section.. Please advise.

3) Density:
I am worried about getting the density right the first time because a partial seems tricky to blend in with the rest of the hair.
a) What density should I use? I was thinking of %60-%65. I THINK I have dense hair above my receding hairline, except for my crown, which is naturally a little thinner. But not bad yet.
b) I read that some people use nair when they feel like they appear to have a “wall of hair”. Is nair applied on the hair side of the piece? Or the underside?

4) Adhesives:
I don’t know what to really do here. I know that ORWG is the most popular adhesive here. I agree with wanting my system to stay on no matter what, so ORWG seems like the right choice. I have read some issues with it.
a) “ORWG is white and when you sweat it leaks white”. Apparently someone applied it wrong and had this problem. Is it because you need to apply it, then wait a few minutes, then place the system down on the scalp, allowing it to change to a clear color first? I also believe I read that glues in general are not great if you work out a lot because there is nowhere for your sweat to go, or that it breaks down the glue faster.
b) ORWG doesn’t seem to be available from toplace. Although I want to be a loyal customer, I still feel the need to try ORWG out for myself. So what reputable brand name should I order from (Canadian vendors preferred).
c) ORGW is released using 99% alchohol, correct?
I will also be ordering a random set of adhesives from toplace, probably:
• Walker ultra hold
• Walker No-Shine tape roll
• Lace release spray bottle (I have no clue if this only works on tape or glue or both)
• PURE adhesive remover (same question)
d) When applying a glue like ORWG, do you just place it very carefully, with no room for error? I know/think that with applying tapes, you can put 99% alcohol on first, then place the lace with a single piece of tape on. Correct me if I’m wrong, the alcohol give you time to slide the system around until you have it on correctly, and it will eventually evaporate and the tape will hold strong. Then you can lift the lace back with hair clips and apply the glue. After a few minutes, you can firmly press the lace down on the the glue. ( Question: What are the wait times after glue application to place the lace down on the scalp? I read somewhere that ORWG was like 15 minutes. Other glues are probably clear and so it doesn’t matter as much).

5) Lace cleaners:
a) I know that a dirty lace can lead to weak bonding of the adhesive. What product do you use to scrape off glue residue? Just alcohol and a tooshbrush? Any advice here would be great.

6) Styling product/ blending a partial piece
I am worried about the partial system not blending in perfectly with my other hair. This is not as big of a problem with toppers where the side hair is shorter and at least symmetric. But in the case of partials, I read that without product in, there is a noticeable difference in color.
a) So what product should I use. I would like to spike it at the front?
There was a thread with a list of the best ones, but I lost it. I’m sure this is not as big of a deal as my other questions. But since I am used to the dry look (because of lifelong thinning), I feel I need to look into slightly nondry products to blend the partial in with the rest. I also have strawy dry hair all the time, and never used wet products, so it could help to look better.

7) Cut in
I will likely go to a regular place to cut my hair. I usually have haircuts every 2 weeks to keep it short so the thinning doesn’t look as bad. I’d like to up that to 4 weeks if possible, but I know that the natural hair will outgrow the system so I need touch ups before it looks bad. Some guys buy electric trimmers and cut their own hair, but that’s something I’ll leave for later when I am better at wearing.
a) Oh, also, you may have noticed that I now have buzzed sides (number 2). I will likely have to grow that out to help blend in the system right? Especially if I am not going to a professional hair system cut-in specialist and just a regular salon…

8) Anything else I forgot? *Starters kit*
Please feel free to recommend a starters kit you wish you had before you wore for the first time. I think other than what I stated, I may need a wide tooth comb, hairclips, back2natural (for color fading). And that’s all I can think of.
I am planning on starting to wear immediately before going on vacation. This may be a bad idea, because it is Dubai, and very humid. And I will be far away from any vendors for supplies. I am beginning to change my mind as I type this paragraph out. Oh well, maybe I will wait til after the vacation.

Thanks for reading. Excited to join the ranks. Sorry for the length, but hopefully this thread will serve future wearers.

- EarlyTwenties
09-27-2014, 09:18 AM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Hi Early Twenties.... I`m pressed for time just now .. I`ll try to answer your questions as near as possible to the order in which you`ve posed them, on Sunday. I hope in the meantime, some other readers will give you some input .... bear with me until Sunday as your post is very long and I`d prefer to reply when I have proper time to go through it in detail. Regards for now.
09-29-2014, 04:37 AM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Have looked at the photos...tricky situation... the first few photos made me wonder were you being way too early thinking about wearing ....but I could see your situation far better with the hair damp. Your hair seems to change direction too at the side....... you have it buzzed in tight there and it`s growing downwards ..there`s a ` line` where the hair direction appears to change ..the hair above the `line` is growing forward in a very definite manner....it`s most obvious on the 9th photo down...does it grow naturally that way or have you styled it like that ? You should leave the side/s grow out a little as this will help with blending in whatever is on top [system] with your side/back hair.. I appreciate you might like to always keep your hair that short, but it can be a bit tricky to work with when wearing.
Superfine lace can only ` hold` certain densities ....it`s extremely light and is best suited to those in the low to medium range.....you may get a longer ` wear` from a [ normal] Swiss lace and it may be a little easier to work with as a newbie, than the more delicate / lighter lace, until you get the hang of attaching /detaching.
You can mark your hairline etc. with an eyebrow pencil.....this will easily wipe off when you need to remove it. Please don`t take every word I write as literally written in stone.... I`m merely giving my 2 -cents worth in the line of suggestions ...other readers may have other suggestions and I would like to see them offer them to you. Your temple points are really poor now .....also, I`d suggest you don`t go with spiked-up front for your first time until you get used to this ... two main reasons really ....` exposed` hairlines like that are trickier to handle....and maintain ...atmospheric dust can build up on tape/glue there and become visible, so you have to debond /clean it more often plus, people who know you may well be ` fixated` on a sudden ` new look` and ask awkward questions ! Keep it relatively easy at the start and you can get a bit more adventurous as you become accustomed to all this. I`d keep your crown -point for now ....it`s thin-ish but it`s ` natural` .... you could leave the hair grow a little longer there and ` slot` in a system in front and lie the slightly longer hair onto /over the edge of the system, giving a nice invisible ` join` ...... I`ll attach a suggested outline to a photo ..... it would be really helpful for the factory to see your present hair etc......to this end, send John photos and he`ll forward them with your order....... don`t fret about the online order form ---just send John an E-mail with your specification ..he`ll clarify anything you may not be sure about---just mark your template with indelible marker ---make sure you write ``Front` and ` Back` on the appropriate areas too .... I also suggest you ask for ``No Name-Tag`` ..they sew one onto the back unless you specify ` none` ..it can be a bit lumpy and ` annoying` ! Take hair samples [ in your case] from the top just ahead of your crown -point and towards the front ....hair at / towards the back is darker ---since you`ll be wearing mostly ` forward`, I`d take hair from there....... you need about a pencil-diameter amount and about an inch long if possible [yes you can keep your sample in a sealed bag --just keep it out of sunlight] You`ll have a graduated front-density by default...... your photos will /should help the factory to give you a matching-density to your exisiting hair so again, don`t worry too much about nailing-down percentages....concentrate on getting your template accurate---well, as accurate as you can.....it can be tiresome, time-consuming and frustrating when you attempt your first template -- most of us never ever get it spot-on at the first or even 3rd attempt ! Just take your time and you`ll get there ! Post photos here when you have it done ..preferably with it sitting on your head....you`ll get input on whether it`s ok to post it off [yes you can fold it in two, down the center and pop it into a padded envelope along with your hair sample when ready] I just read further down now and you did say about leaving your sides grow out a bit ---yes I would do that.You could also consider using Debbie Theriault`s ` remote` cut-in service ...She does the ` heavy work` ...you can then go to a regular stylist for any ` tweaking` you may need...click the ` services` link on her site: http://www.splitendshairreplacement.com --- might be worth considering ?
You asked about applying ` Nair` -----hopefully you wouldn`t need to consider using this .. I really don`t recommend it ....it`s best to try get things correct from the factory but if it`s really something that is warranted, you dab it onto the knots on the underside of the lace base.
I`ll deal with your products / cleaning questions later this evening or tomorrow as I need to be someplace now ..... I`m not sure how your temples looked before the hair thinned so please take my markings as just a guess n my part ---- it`s just a case of marking the outline of where your hair used to be and making a template to fill that void!Where the back -edge of the system would be, just mark it with direction -arrows ..you need that hair to lie in the same flow as your own......the photos,though, will ` paint` a much clearer impression of what you need.I`ll deal with your other questions [glues etc.] shortly.....

Attached Files Image(s)
09-30-2014, 03:44 AM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
In relation to colour-blending ..... it makes no difference whether wearing a topper or partial ...if it`s custom-made and you sent a hair sample, there should be no appreciable difference [but there sometimes can be a ` problem` ].......
ORWG -----You`ll find suppliers by searching on Google.... it`s best to try get this delivered by surface-delivery rather than air-freight, as low temperatures in aircraft cargo holds will damage this glue. You can spray ``Adjust-a-bond`` [an alcohol] onto glue and / or tapes ...it will only ` buy` you about a minute of time in which to position the system before it evaporates off...there are many ways of positioning a system...this take a lot of trial and error...it can be very tricky when you`re not used to it..... I find tapes easier and less time-consuming to work with......you need to set time aside if doing a glue attachment....irrespective of whether a glue is white [water-based] or acrylic, you must allow a minimum of 15 minutes or so, between coats /layers ....the glue MUST be allowed to cure ..... these are specialist glues and take up to 24 hours to fully cure, and it`s essential to apply them when you are sitting , resting, in a cool room as heat /sweat will affect their hold.
It`s easiest to sit the system on, position it, then mark little lines or dots with an eyebrow pencil around the front perimeter ....you can then apply your glue layers inside those marks......... it can be tricky to see the back area ...2 mirrors is the best way.... positioning has been covered in many threads ..... it takes patience and time /experience..... it`s generally best to bond the front hairline first and then ` fold` the system back onto the head / glued area.....don`t expect perfection initially ...it all takes a lot of time and patience....if hairs get stuck to glue, simply spray a little lace -release onto them and they`ll come free from it.... you might find it easier to use tape/s around the sides /back and have a glued area on the front ..... I`ve posted photos of how I apply my tapes ...just click my user-name and you`ll see all my threads/ posts ..there are also good tutorial videos on ``Youtube`` .....lots of aspects of wearing are covered, from styling /cutting-in, to attachments, and removal /cleaning ...it`s worth looking at those. You can [relatively] easily sit your system on,position it, then peel off the papers from the taped area/s, then attach /press it ` home` to the scalp...you can then fold the front area back onto the head and use a hair-clip to hold it back out of your way as you apply your glue layers to the front of your scalp.......when your layers have dried, you can unclip it and fold it forward/ down onto the glue......it`s VITAL to leave the glue ample time to go literally ` dry` .....NEVER EVER push lace down onto wet glue ....you`ll end up with a real disaster on your hands [ or head !]
Lace -release is exactly that ....it releases lace bases from tape/glue.... I apply mine from a dropper -tube such as is used for placing ` drops` into the ear /eye..you can get them in any pharmacy .....very cheap and very effective for delivering the liquid ` locally` to where it`s required. Get plenty of this product as you`ll be using lots of it and it`ll never go to waste! Glue -melter is another type of alcohol used for attacking residues on the lace and /or scalp .... I`ve found it a bit tedious to work with at times. ... you may need repeat applications before it begins to break it down .... I use it mainly on the lace if I get a residue there ...for the scalp, citrus-bassed solvents are great ....you can get C-22 or ` De-solv-it` ..... I believe Walmart sell those .....don`t use them repeatedly on lace as they can begin to discolour it or it gets an orange hue ....it`s very effective on the scalp -- spray it on, leave it a few minutes to ` work` then wipe the area with kitchen towel before shampooing the scalp as normal. I nor anyone else can tell you what will work well for you in terms of adhesive materials, and sadly, manufacturers don`t make ` sample size` bottles of glue and this can mean you shell out a lot of money on expensive glues only to find they don`t have the hold you need /want ..... it`s part of the initial learning -curve. Get in a selection of tape rolls and your ORWG and possibly an alternative glue .....you should get a system-specific shampoo and conditioner and a daily leave-in conditioner ---- again, there are many available and I don`t really want to endorse one over another .....just do a Google -search for Hair system shampoo and conditioner ......you`ll find what you want ..... I`d recommend a thinning-scissors too ...helpful for doing minor ` tweaking` at home......
You asked about using a toothbrush on the lace---- there should be no real need of that ...as long as you`ve allowed the Glue-melter time to soften /break it down, you should be able to wipe it off using something like a microfiber cloth or even strips of bubble-wrap...if you stay with a regular routine of removing your bond [before the glue /tape begins to break down into a messy goo] you shouldn`t really have too much of a ` messy` clean-up .......guys get tempted to put off doing a new bond because the present one is still nice and strong..... some of these adhesives can be fine one day and literally overnight go ` unstable` ..that`s when things can get ` messy` and take a lot of your time...keep to a regular routine.
I know there are a myriad of questions and `` what if`s `` running through your mind ....just deal with one thing at a time ...plan your template and have a look on Youtube as there are many really helpful tutorials there and it`ll remove much of the mystery for you.
09-30-2014, 07:13 AM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
@Paul-in-Ireland: I love your posts but I have one suggestion: I often give up reading your posts because there is no space in between your sentences at all. At least for me it is difficult to read, I don't know how others feel.

Just hit 'enter' from time to time. ;-)

And thank you for recommending 'Adjust-a-bond', that's exactly what I was looking for!
10-03-2014, 01:49 PM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Hello Paul,

Thanks a lot for your input. I agree with your advice to focus on first things first, so this post is dedicated to my first template.

It was relatively easy to do, although I plan to do a better job the second time around. First off, I'd like to note that when you first suggested including temple flaps, I was very put off. I did not think I had a problem with my sides. Allowing myself to analyze other user's template posts from an unbiased standpoint, I realized that temple flaps are necessary. However, I still do have some concerns:

1. As a child, I was blonde. It turned brown around age 8 or so. I guess there is a hint of blonde to my hair, possibly along the roots, but to me it just seems brown. However, my receeding hairline has always been slightly blonde. This worries me for color matching. I'm wondering if the temple flaps will be noticeable against my natural fair (blonder) hair at the front of my 'sides'. I may be overthinking it tho.

2. As you can see in my pictures, my sides seem to be thinner than the dark brown hair behind it. this was sort of hidden when I had completely buzzed the side of my head I suppose (no. 2). Looking at my pictures of the outlined hairline with an eyebrow pencil, does this change your opinion of where the temple flaps should do down to? In my opinion, I should leave as much natural (thinning) lower/side temple as possible. Of course, I am open to other opinions.

3. I have pictures of my first template, but I think there is a maximum file size attached per post, so I will include those in a second post soon after this. I was a bit non-symmetric with my temple flaps, but I'll get more transparent tape next time to do a better job. Also, if you look closely, my temple flaps may have not been thick enough as you can see some more thinning hair behind them.

Other info: I designed my hairline to be 2.75" from between my eyebrows (~ 70 mm). This was about 3.70 finger widths. My chosen hairline is around 4 mm lower than my current thinning one at the front. I even have a single isolated hair somewhere below that drawn-out hairline ( ~7 mm) possibly from a very youthfull hairline a long time ago. I think that I have chosen a hairline point that is still pretty high, but I'm ok with that for now as I can tweak it later.

Most importantly:

Please explain to me how you think I can design my temple flaps such that it blends with my thinning sides.

Here are the rest of my images from the making of my first template:

[EDIT] Reposted my images to imgur for easier viewing: http://imgur.com/a/2JY4Z
10-03-2014, 07:34 PM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Hi Early Twenties.... your photos are very large, making it hard to get a good impression of things.
Can you remove them [just click ` full edit` over on the right-hand side at the bottom of your post] and you can easily re-size them using this link:
http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ ..... just scroll down a bit to the box outlined in black ---click the ` choose image` tab, and that will allow you to select
image/s from whatever file you have them saved in....then just click either 50% or 25% and hit the red ``Resize`` tab --your photo/s will then
be made smaller--you can just re-post them here then .
Don`t over-stress on the nitty-gritty things such as colour [blonde over brown etc] .... no one`s colour-match is accurate to that degree....to me your
hair just looks a sandy-brown and to the casual observer on the street, your system colour will look that way too [ or it should !!]
I`ll get back to you when I can ` see` better ..cheers for now !
10-09-2014, 04:32 PM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Hello Paul,

I took down the photos of my first template since it was screwing up the dimensions of the thread.

I'll post my second template on imgur: http://imgur.com/a/obqTE

Note that I have decided against the temple flaps. I think that it is not reasonable to expect temple flaps to blend in with thin sides. This may not be a permanent solution, but for my first system, I think this is a good plan.

Let me know what you think. I plan on getting into contact with John soon for my system order, along with an assortment of tapes and glues based on your previous comments.

10-09-2014, 09:51 PM,
RE: 23 y.o. Lurker - Temple recession (pics) - wants a partial - starter kit request
Hi again EarlyTwenties, I think that looks ok.... I`d ` round` the template just a little where it`s sitting on your left temple-area..it`s a sharp ` corner` ..... just snip a little off there to make it more of a curve..... if you can, get most of your hair sample from around the front of the head
You`ll be covering a relatively small area so it shouldn`t be too difficult to deal with when bonding-on........ a good idea at this point, before you send it in, is to make a copy of it [even cardboard would suffice] ... you can then use that when your system arrives back, to mark / trace the outline of the area to be shaved...... trying to do it around the edge of a system sat on your head, with the hair ` in your way` can be tiresome... I`d only order a max. of 3 or 4 inches of hair too....the standard / default 6 -inches from the factory will be far too much in your case....you`ll be wearing it relatively short so it`s only making a load of work by having that length ....most of it will be cut off !!
A good matching -density will be most important as your sides are pretty light ....no point getting something too dense or it`ll stick out like a sore thumb!!
Your photos will give the factory a good impression of your needs.
Just ensure you have plenty of supplies to hand ahead of your delivery... plenty of lace-release ...that`ll never go to waste..... glue -melter and I`d strongly recommend a citrus-solvent such as C-22 or De-solv-it...... they`re things we all use all of the time..... it`s a matter of trial and error in terms of glue/s and tapes... I find the tapes with a half-inch width, to be quite suitable.
Best wishes with it all ... hope to see your end-result in time to come !

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