hi guys! questions before my third order
been wearing about one and a half years now, and although it was mostly a good experience, the more i think about the more i feel like i could have done so much better. i found myself wearing hats more often than i would have liked to, due to some discoloring other issues. so i'm trying to fix as much as possible with my next order.
i read some time ago that one method to guarantee invisible knots at the hairline, is to order the front part with white hairs, and carefully color them yourself. what's the verdict on this? does it work? will i not fuck it up? would it even be a good idea to have a stripe of white hairs along the middle and ending in the crown, so that if i wear my hair parted in the middle (wear it a little longish) i know there wont be knots showing?
secondly, is there any way to counteract discoloring in advance? i get that little bit of red after 3-4 months, and although it only gets bad after 6-8 months of wearing, once it starts it just makes me so paranoid. also i promised myself this time i will not hesitate to spend some money on proper products to keep the color in shape.
thanks in advance for any help guys,
your all awesome