Hi Nicnik ... can`t tell you anything about this place but you can contact it / them and discuss things:
Arizona Signature Hair
Phoenix, AZ
Cutting lace is quite simple.....you use a small sharp blade -- a Hobby-knife is ideal....images here:
Don`t cut /interfere with the front of the system...the hair there is graduated -density and if you remove lace from there, you can ruin the ` look` of the front hairline.----cut the sides/back areas only, as desired..... the ideal way to do this is make a template of your bald area using the usual materials [kitchen-wrap / cling-film and sellotape strips ] A styrofoam head-form is a great item to have to hand for this procedure.
Bear in mind, stock systems are ` middle -of-the-road` in terms of ` fit` and density /shape etc. --some guys are lucky and find they fit like a glove, but that`s generally, not the rule...
If you can lay hands on T-pins, they are really helpful to have.
Invert your system so that the lace is facing up, and sit it onto the head-form [styrofoam] ---i.e. the hair will be in contact with the styrofoam and lace is ` facing ` the ceiling.....sit your template onto the lace, ALSO upside-down [this is important] --then press the sides/back of it with both hands so it ` pops` down onto the lace....it`s a bit hard to describe /visualize but your template will now be in the same shape as your system i.e. ``inverted`` ---line up the front of it with the front hairline and use the T-pins to secure everything to the styrofoam...... you then simply draw the tip of the blade, gently ` across` the lace around the perimeter of the template--- DON`T apply pressure and push the blade down through the lace, otherwise you`ll slice through hair/s underneath that you`ll need to keep and it`ll ruin the ` look` .....just gently draw the blade across the lace in a light ` sawing` motion...this will separate the lace easily and cleanly and will leave the hair underneath intact...... I hope you could ` imagine` that.... You can order those items on line quite easily......there are videos on Youtube on how to make templates ...... kind regards.