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Phoenix Cut-in? First time stock order
03-17-2015, 01:26 PM,
Phoenix Cut-in? First time stock order
Hi there- I've been a wearer for about a year now. Just celebrated my 30th! Wearing has its pains but best thing I've ever done.

So I've been going to a full service salon for my pieces. On my second now. I moved from CA to AZ and while I have servicing myself down to a science I have never had to set my unit it up for the first time by myself. So I'm ready to order my first stock unit from toplace, but am nervous about what to do after I get it.

First I was wondering if there are any recommendations for cutin spots imanywhere in Phoenix or surrounding areas? I'd really appreciate some references!

How hard is it to cut the lace? Any tips on cutting? Also what about sizing to my bald area? Anyone that can share some of their learning curves would be great.

Thanks again for all of the help and this amazing database of knowledge.
03-17-2015, 09:17 PM,
RE: Phoenix Cut-in? First time stock order
Hi Nicnik ... can`t tell you anything about this place but you can contact it / them and discuss things:
Arizona Signature Hair
Phoenix, AZ
Cutting lace is quite simple.....you use a small sharp blade -- a Hobby-knife is ideal....images here:
Don`t cut /interfere with the front of the system...the hair there is graduated -density and if you remove lace from there, you can ruin the ` look` of the front hairline.----cut the sides/back areas only, as desired..... the ideal way to do this is make a template of your bald area using the usual materials [kitchen-wrap / cling-film and sellotape strips ] A styrofoam head-form is a great item to have to hand for this procedure.
Bear in mind, stock systems are ` middle -of-the-road` in terms of ` fit` and density /shape etc. --some guys are lucky and find they fit like a glove, but that`s generally, not the rule...
If you can lay hands on T-pins, they are really helpful to have.
Invert your system so that the lace is facing up, and sit it onto the head-form [styrofoam] ---i.e. the hair will be in contact with the styrofoam and lace is ` facing ` the ceiling.....sit your template onto the lace, ALSO upside-down [this is important] --then press the sides/back of it with both hands so it ` pops` down onto the lace....it`s a bit hard to describe /visualize but your template will now be in the same shape as your system i.e. ``inverted`` ---line up the front of it with the front hairline and use the T-pins to secure everything to the styrofoam...... you then simply draw the tip of the blade, gently ` across` the lace around the perimeter of the template--- DON`T apply pressure and push the blade down through the lace, otherwise you`ll slice through hair/s underneath that you`ll need to keep and it`ll ruin the ` look` .....just gently draw the blade across the lace in a light ` sawing` motion...this will separate the lace easily and cleanly and will leave the hair underneath intact...... I hope you could ` imagine` that.... You can order those items on line quite easily......there are videos on Youtube on how to make templates ...... kind regards.

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