I get this question all the time. Here's a photo sent in from a customer named Mike. I think he looks great! The style is perfect for him. He's not trying to look like he's 21 years old--it's age appropriate. Specs are:
swiss lace
55% density
color #3 with 10 gray
10% hilite color #18 streaked in section 1 and 3
body wave
For newbies that are following the forum and learning about hair replacement, a full is a unit that covers the entire head--sideburns, temples, nape of the neck, everything on the head. Many customers that transition from a topper (covers only the top/front of the head and the customer still has his own hair on the sides and back) say there are advantages to wearing a full cap. You don't have to be concerned about blending color and density with your own hair.