perimeter option for full cap? smooth but durable
Ever since I started wearing hair 4 years ago, I've been using wigs with SFS swiss lace all over.
Considering the life-span of my hair pieces (about 4 months) the first thing that becomes an issue might be a fraying of the edges of the base - where I use to tape it down to my head.
Now I'm going for a full cap, just done an order an expect to have it year by Christmas. It's SFS allover again. However, I wonder if there ain't other options for me to give a try. Something that lies SMOOTHLY down my scalp, so one can hardly feel the edge. I've once heard (from a female hair wearer) that she wore something with kind of silicone edge - that she said was about impossible to feel with your hand, because it smoothed so gently down to the skin. (durability far over a year)
Is there something comparable here in the Toplace base options?
I'm wearing a rather long hairstyle, but for the front I think I would stay with swiss lace...