Got2b experiment .. Noticed something interesting.
Hey guys, i been experimenting with Got2b and I found this really old bottle of it in the back of my closet with a little left. When i tried to use it, a clear liquid came out. Not its typical white cream consistency. As i squired more out than the white cream stuff came out.. wow that sounds gross rofl. But anyway, after time the got2b glued kind of separated, the white sticky liquid was starting to separate from the formula. This liquid seems much more sticky and tacky, like more concentrated. and i just used it to apply my piece and it seems to be holding like glue.. So now this has me thinking... maybe I can find a way to intentionally extract or separate this clear liquid from the got2b.. This liquid seems to give it its holding sticky tacky properties. I want to try heating it up or freezing it and see if that does anything. So far i know just the age does it. But im sure we can find maybe a creative way to do it. cause in its potent form, this might be perfect