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PICS Need Help With Density
02-12-2014, 03:20 PM,
PICS Need Help With Density
I'm looking to get my first system soon and was wondering about density. I am 20 years old with very diffuse thinning on top and you can actually see scalp easily now. I don't believe my back and sides were effected by hair loss that much if at all(knock on wood). I was thinking 80% density. I have uploaded pictures in various lighting. Please let me know if better pictures are needed, or if I should cut my hair then take pics, etc.


A year ago with shorter hair:
With flash:
02-14-2014, 08:38 AM,
RE: PICS Need Help With Density
Hello, is there something else I should explain or fix?
02-14-2014, 10:06 AM,
RE: PICS Need Help With Density
Honest opinion and I can`t see the front of your head too well -- you only have a little moderate thinning at the crown....perfectly natural / normal for now ..... you don`t need to begin wearing this early....many guys would give their left arm to have the amount of hair you have ! I know you are probably very ` aware` of it, but the level of thinning on your crown wouldn`t merit a second glance from anyone for the moment !
02-14-2014, 01:35 PM,
RE: PICS Need Help With Density
I see what your saying Paul. But when I took these pictures my intent was to capture the amount of hair my sides and back had so I can get a density from others. If I actually took pictures clearly showing the top and front of my head, you would see that their is a significant amount of hair loss where I could greatly benefit from wearing. It is only my "disguising" hair style and camera angle that makes it hard to see, since again my intention is to not show hair loss but hair abundance of the side and back area. I hope I'm understandable here as I'm really hoping for some help about density. If you could please, or anyone else, I would greatly appreciate it.
02-15-2014, 07:15 AM,
RE: PICS Need Help With Density
I understand ... potential wearers tend to over-stress on getting exact percentages marked on different areas of their templates [ I did it too ] In effect, I`ve always found that simply sending some clear photos of a style you`d like [preferably photos of yourself when you had all your hair, as it`s best to replicate your natural ` style` on your first order] and a few good , clear photos of your existing sides and back, will usually ensure the factory can make you a well-matching system.....this isn`t an exact science and never will be..... the fact that systems are usually hand-made [lace ones anyway] means there will inevitably be variations from one order to the next, in densities and possibly colour, but generally these are not too `` off``....just ensure your template is reasonably accurate, and send in the photos as I suggest, and John will be able to sort out those finer details for you.....honestly, I know it seems like looking up a mountain when you`re considering wearing, but it`s relatively, a lot easier than you may imagine ....an accurate template, and then ,a decent cut-in once you get your system, are well-over half the battle ! Send in a sample of your own hair too, for colour-matching , bearing in mind that hair from the crown area and back, tend to be darker than at the front, so get a ` mix` from a few areas...about the diameter of a pencil,and inch long if you can get it, and keep it all held together with an elastic band !
Hope that eases your mind somewhat !

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