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Robocut for sale
10-08-2009, 12:58 PM,
Robocut for sale
I am no longer a wearer so Iam trying to get rid of my robocut as I have no more use for it. This robocut comes with a vaccume and all accessories. I also have a wahl comb n cut. Purchaser also gets some free goodies like some tape, glue, and other accessories I have left over. Price is negotiable...email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailtoConfusedlowly707@gmail.com">slowly707@gmail.com</a><!-- e --> if interested.
10-09-2009, 08:50 AM,
Re: Robocut for sale
For those interested, please note the cost of a new robo is close to $150. I have had several bids already and not going to mention any names but lets just say that $30 aint gonna cut it guys lol.

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