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01-17-2009, 11:14 AM,
Hi, I'm new to the forum. Does anyone know of a goof glue. Right now I use vapor. It doesn't keep a good hold, when I wash my hair or sweat it comes loose. Please HELP if you know of anything any better, and where I could get it. Thanks
01-17-2009, 11:40 AM,
Re: Glues
unfortunately, what works well for one, doesn't work so good for someone else. ....it is very dependant on lifestyle, body chemistry.........a whole host of other factors.
vapon is a silicon type glue, you may want to try ultra hold (acrylic type glue)...for many the acrylics work better than silicon but again, it is very subjective.
email me a <!-- e --><a href="mailtoConfusedplitends805@roadrunner.com">splitends805@roadrunner.com</a><!-- e --> and I can send you a few samples to try.

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