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Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
02-07-2010, 12:17 PM,
Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
You see this on every bottle of shampoo. Is it really necessary to apply shampoo then rinse it out and repeat the procedure a second time? I think all the shampoo companies got together and agreed to put this on the instructions in order to sell more shampoo. Once is enough for me. Does anyone really follow these instructions?
02-09-2010, 05:57 PM,
Re: Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
Hey John,

I can't speak for every manufacturer out there, but I can tell you the reason that lead to me including that on the instructions for my products.

It seems that with a mild shampoo, the oils from the scalp and any type of removal chemicals "neutralize" the shampoo to a certain extent. Using a shampoo that protects the hair, the first wash will remove the majority of the oils, and the second wash will cleanse the hair.

Also, I like to wash twice especially when the unit is off my head. This allows the base to get cleaned twice, which helps it to adhere better.

I actually spoke to the rep for the lab that I work with, and she said "I always buy high-end shampoos, and almost all of them recommend washing twice".

In the end though it comes down to personal preference. The instructions on the bottle are a guideline. Try different things and see what works best for you.
02-10-2010, 01:57 AM,
Re: Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
Those are good points. I know that I've seen one high end shampoo--can't remember the name---but it came in a kit with several different versions of the shampoo and a water testing kit. It's intended for the executive that travels the world. It called for the user to first use the testing strips to determine the hardness and quality of the water. Then the user would use the appropriate shampoo to 'match' the water quality. It makes sense--the hardness and chemicals in the water are a big factor in how effective a shampoo is. I think that's why people will try a shampoo that someone else loves and then not get the same results---the water quality is different and it causes different results with the shampoo.
02-12-2010, 07:38 AM,
Re: Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
I would recommend the opposite. Over washing your hair piece hair is not good for the system. First of all, obviously the hair does not receive the oils it would if you had real hair growing from the scalp. washing further strips the oils and drys out the hair further. I find systems last longer the less you wash them. To me, washing a hair unit twice is over kill. you are better off using a little bit of shampoo and creating a very good lather. It is the lather or suds that does the cleaning.

my 2 cents
02-12-2010, 07:41 AM,
Re: Rinse and repeat....is this really necessary?
And i think also different types of hair react differently to shampoos. For example. I have used the same water with different hair systems, and my own hair when I had hair lol. I used to use a shampoo on my real hair that did not frizz out my hair much. Most shampoos seemed to make my hair frizzy and unmanageable. with the system its different now. The hair does not react the same way my own hair used to. So I guess that is a consideration as well. How oily peoples hair is, how thick, wha tkind of curl etc. I honestly dont believe in miracle shampoos. they all seem like the same shit to me.

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