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St-30 versus Walker No shine Tape: Winner? - Printable Version

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St-30 versus Walker No shine Tape: Winner? - slowly707 - 05-22-2009

Well since this st-30 backorder issue is getting ridiculous I guess we have to try different does the walker tape go head to head with st-30 in terms of holding power and cleanup?

Re: St-30 versus Walker No shine Tape: Winner? - FredTJ - 05-22-2009

Don't know about the Walker No Shine as I've never used it, but why don't some of y'all try the NRT ?
I've used that for a long time. I also used (briefly) the ST-30.
For me, I like the NRT better.
I wear only for a week at a time. The NRT:
- Holds just as well for me.
- Cleans up even easier than the ST-30 did. The ST-30 left only a itty, bitty tiny bit of residue on my scalp. The NRT leaves nothing.
- NRT is a ton less expensive than the ST-30 was.

I use glue in the front.


Re: St-30 versus Walker No shine Tape: Winner? - YuleB - 05-24-2009

Well since this st-30 backorder issue is getting ridiculous I guess we have to try different does the walker tape go head to head with st-30 in terms of holding power and cleanup?

I have used both ( and still sometimes use both at the same time) For me Walker holds tons better. I usually change after a week of wearing. With walker i could go tons longer if I wanted to. When I go to take it off after a week its still an extreamly strong bond. Not so with the st-30. The st-30 is an easier clean up though. ( which is probably because its not as strong as a bond ) I only use 91% alchohol on my clean up and the st-30 comes off pretty easy , not much residue at all and a quick mirror slide its done. The 91% and the walker no shine is a little more difficult to clean off, requiring several quick mirror slides. If i use c-22 (a citrus solvent) on the mirror slide its a lot quicker. BUT I went in for a hair cut last week and the stylist used 99% alchohol and I couldnt believe how fast the Walker no shine came off... it was like .. squirt.. and he pulled it off my head.. it was instant. I was chaning pieces so we didn't clean up the hp i had just taken off my head. I got home and here was barely anything on it.

Additionally, Walker is much easier to work with. I I get the "a contours" and use them in the front and back and have the "c contours " that I use on each side and I am done. No cutting or shaping like i have to do with the st-30 tape. I have recently cut the a and c walker tape in half (down the middle) because i was running low and wanted to make sure i didnt run out before i purchased more. It basically doubled the amount of tape and I couldnt believe how strong the hold still was.

If st-30 came in shapes and contours, I would have a harder decision. As it stands with my longer hair style that only sometimes shows the front hair line the walker wins hands down. BTW The walker seems to hide better on my front hair line the same or even a little better than the st-30. My new piece had a better front hairline than the older piece, and I actually combed my hair back after the new cut in. Walker no shine and the HP swiss front was unsee-able by me in the mirror from Zero inches away and undetectable to my g/f from an inch or so away. I wasnt out in the sun.. but i have seen pics of others in here with them out in the sun with walker with no detection.

The Walker no shine is cheaper and easier to use. Cutting the st-30 tape ( a real pain in the ass) and contouring it to the piece took a good deal of time. the walker contours.. less than a minute

Depending on your hair style and density and you already use tape, walker is the "Weener" to me. glue more than likely with a thinner density exposed hair line, but you will have to ask those people who use a thinner density piece with exposed hair lines..

I hope this was helpful, because if it wasnt it hurt my fingers from all the