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skin wearers question - Xeon005 - 06-11-2013

You guys don't find that when you sweat or in the heat with skin systems the bond breaks down into a gummy mess? Im starting to find that in the heat or summer months the skin pieces don't give me as much of a good hold as lace. Got2b glued breaks down pretty badly when ur sweating.. and even ORWG loses its hold. Im surprised no one else seems to say this. Do you put like deodorant on your head or something first?

RE: skin wearers question - NYCguy2020 - 06-12-2013

I simply de/re every other day using got2b glued. It's been working fine for me so far. try laying thicker than you would using glue, wait about 45 sec to a minute then attach...also firmly press the unit down using a towel for about a minute or so to eliminate any bubbles/air pockets and that thing will stay put for a good 2 days.That's my routine.

RE: skin wearers question - johnnycs1 - 06-13-2013


You may have seen me post that I have been a skin wearer for over 20 years now ! Of course , 20 plus years ago they were not what they are now ! Real easy to wear now, not as hot as some complain and finally are really catching on as people realize that they are soooooooo much easier than lace !

I do an off and on, everyday mostly, sometimes every 2 or 3....because so easy to remove , rinse off and throw back on , without all the lace issues. I use Davlyn Black around the perimeter when starting out with a clean base (nothing on it ) and than use mostly just the G2BG Spiking Spray , sometimes a strip of tape applied to my scalp and I'm good to go with a very secure hold. Also at times , use the G2BG Rubber Cement , not produced anymore....great stuff , just lightly coated to both surfaces, scalp and unit base . That really gives a secure hold !
If you want to try it , get a hold of Xeon , I sent him a bottle couple years ago but he does not like it . Both of you guys are from the city.
Can't buy it anymore , like I said at your local drug store , I have 5 bottles in reserve and also see it on ebay , like real expensive ! Check with X , maybe he can pass it on to you, since I assume he has no use for it.

Lot of guys on another forum , now are trying skins are liking them ! Check it out.....


RE: skin wearers question - Oldwearer - 06-13-2013

johnny albuquerque,

How long does it take from the moment you remove your unit till you have it back on and secure?

RE: skin wearers question - johnnycs1 - 06-13-2013




RE: skin wearers question - Xeon005 - 06-13-2013

hey johnny. I know you are really pro skin with a passion and find it is the best for you, but this stuff is all subjective. I think the interest in skin is because its just something new to consider. We are always looking for something new and different.. I have a feeling most people will go back to lace.

Honestly.. To me what is easier or not is a matter of perspective. Johnny got a good routine going on that he enjoys by using a combo of different products that work well for him. They might not work for everyone. The rubber cement didn't well for me.

But johnny.. You and others say how much easier skin is. How could it be easier for everyone. I could throw on a few strips of stick it tape or super tape and lightly glue the front and get a solid 4-5 days hold without any fuss whatsoever in those five days.. Than when I remove I can take off the tape without having to clean any residue whatsoever in two seconds.

on your first attachment with davylyn black... Do you also use got2 be to attach the rest of the system.. I find that doing just perimeter attachments on skin is very hot and uncomfortable. Skin feels much better when it is entirely bonded to your scalp.

RE: skin wearers question - johnnycs1 - 06-13-2013

Hi X....

Yes , along with the Davlyn perimeter, I also apply one of the G2bB products to the rest of the unit base and also my scalp....or sometimes a combo of the cement and the spray and even a strip of tape at times.

Now concerning lace ....I talking out to the guys that are spending lots of time attaching , cleaning , lifting, bleaching , mirror slides , etc etc etc ! Not aimed at pretty efficient lace attach and detach like you mentioned on yours ! You are a pro ! And sounds like you get good results and no problems to really mention with lace.

But you are right on ...the skin base is better with a full bond...but I would never use glue to do so...but just G2bG , which in my case is good hold !


ps.......on the other forum , Steven/Hersute , a very knowledgeable and long time really liking his new skin........check it out over there.

RE: skin wearers question - Xeon005 - 06-16-2013

Im not a pro john. I have my frustrating days with both skin and lace lol. You been wearing a lot longer than me. I mean its more about maybe someones body chemistry. Certain things might work better for different people. lace has its own problems, but to me skin has its own problems too. For my chemistry got2b glued products break down badly with skin during hot months. Whenever i sweat it just eats away at everything.. I think its a battle of pros and cons to both and people just need to pick what is best for them. Some people don't like fussing with their hair system daily or every two days. They look for really long bonds and want to keep it on.. Others rather take it on and off.. There are just so many variables to me.

But I am going to try your method again. I don't think I gave the davlyn black a fair shake.

another quick question when you want to do a complete cleanup of your system.. when do you do that usually? When you take off all the davlyn black residue etc.

RE: skin wearers question - antywanty - 06-16-2013

for me wearing skin (med)
a full debond routine 90 mins.
I bloody detest debonding, but its a means to a end.and hell it pays you back with magic results.
my latest skin piece had recession pre cut it @ the hairline, a wavey line,
very easy removing adhesive from the base, its the edges ,making sure theres no adhesive to affect the final new bond that take time..
adhesive in hair,
but the wall of hair becomes less of a issue with a few months of wear.
all in all im happy with skin.
I only ever use orwg. which isint cheap.9oz bottle £12.00
I might try another white adhesive my hairdresser uses medical grade white adhesive.
I might try to source that hold seemed pretty decent.

roll on the winter, longer bonds less hassle.
still love the next best thing to surgical hair replacement,
Anthony north east uk

RE: skin wearers question - winstonage - 06-16-2013

As Johnny mentioned Davlyn Black is the way to go with skin. White glues are not as effective on skin as they are on lace. I don't know why, but it isn't. If Got2B doesn't work for you, a full scalp bond with Davlyn might be the way to go for you. Glue clean up on skin is a snap. I am 5 weeks into my first skin, and will never go back to lace.