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99% alcohol and scalp protector - Printable Version

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99% alcohol and scalp protector - fullcapwearer - 02-22-2013

I use these two products when I do my twice weekly re-attachments.

my question is, how important are these products, is it just for a better bond? is there any health benefits to using these, should I use them this often, or just once a month, should I use one or the other, or both, and which one would you recommend I do first (scalp then 99% or 99% then scalp).

I'm interested to hear your views, if the products are not that important, I'll just use them once a month or almost never.

here is a description of what these products do.

scalp protector - improves adhesion and duration of bonds.

99% alcohol - cleaning and preparing the perimeters of the head.

lets keep in mind I use Got2B glued solely.

does anyone find any real benefit to these products.

RE: 99% alcohol and scalp protector - Hersute - 02-22-2013

Scalp protector also does what it says on the tin.
It protects the scalp for being irritated by the base and the glues & tapes.

It has the side benefit of helping adhesion because it can form a barrier between the skin producing oils & moisture and the bond.
So it works both ways, things seeping in to the scalp skin & things seeping out of it as well as any friction.
As you attach quite regularly, you're not looking for a long bond, but you may be benefiting from it protecting the skin.

Using alcohol to remove any vestiges of oils or grease will always help a bond, but if you notice no difference between when you use it and when you don't, then its a waste of your time using it frequently.

RE: 99% alcohol and scalp protector - fullcapwearer - 02-22-2013

true but since I'm using Got2B I'm not really protecting the skin from much of anything.

yes I think 99% is marketed for "cleaning your head", but I used to walk out the door slybald, surely my head can withstand not having 99% alcohol on it.

I really think these products were made for people using medical grade adhesives like ultra hold or something, not for people using Got2B glued.

RE: 99% alcohol and scalp protector - LTB - 02-24-2013

For G2bG you do not need 99% alcohol as it is't a glue. Good old fashioned soap and water will do the job nicely!
As for a scalp protector then this can lengthen your bond time as it will stop a lot of oil and sweat from breaking up the G2BG bond.
A better option for a scalp protector is a liquid adhesive that you can easily pick up at supermarkets or pharmacies!

RE: 99% alcohol and scalp protector - fullcapwearer - 02-24-2013

oh I see, the 99% alcohol helps cleans up the residue on your head, this makes sense as it also doubles as a remover.

RE: 99% alcohol and scalp protector - Hairenough - 02-25-2013

For me scalp protector actually worsens my hold time. It creates a layer of film on your head. If that film doesn't stick to your head well it will be the weak link in the bond as the glue only sticks to the film, not your head. So the film comes loose and the bond comes loose. Scalp protector is terible for me. I've even tried the new thick scalp protector from Walker and it was the same.