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full cap nape area (photo) - Printable Version

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full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-14-2013

I noticed the lower nape area can easily be lifted if someone is moving their hands from your neck upwards.

is their anyway around this, any tips?

I thought of cutting away some of the base material and leaving my hair extra long in that area.

also it is not a glue problem, I have tried various glues and such like, I think it is more a problem with the area itself, other full-cap wearers will understand where I am coming from.

maybe my template is simply too long in that area, I'm not sure, the template matches my lower ear level, is this correct?

this is the area I am refering to.

that lower section "lifts" pretty easily.

RE: full cap nape area - ToplaceUSA - 02-14-2013

Hi Fullcapwearer,
That area that you're referring to is know as the area directly below the occipital bone (lower part of the skull). Since the area is basically neck muscle and is used to rotate the head it's important to get a good secure bond as this movement causes stress on the bond. You're right about the length of the template. A shorter template will reduce the stress on the bond. But you don't want to go too short at the expense of looking unnatural. The other thing that I suggest to full cap wearers is to order the back and sides with poly to have a smooth surface for bonding. You need a strong bond and poly on the back and sides gives you a strong bonding area.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-14-2013

wow, thank you for your quick reply.

well my template exactly matches my lower ear level, is this correct? or should I have the template higher up? say, to the middle of the ear?

is poly like skin? or some other different material.

and when you order poly on back and sides for full cap, does that start from the top part of the ear to the back, so the front perimeter is still all lace aka temple flaps?

right now I have a skin base, yet if a woman was to brush her hands innocently around the back, IT WOULD IMMEDIATELY LIFT, and that is with a bond anyway, it seems to be more sensitive to the lower back sides as opposed to the lower middle part.

My view -without trying poly- is that it would make no difference, I mean the front lace doesn't lift at all at the moment both on front line AND temple flaps, and that is with a 2 day hold on G2BG, it must have something to do with the area itself, like it just doesn't bond well due to there being no "bone" there, that area of skin is "squidgy" and is not like the top of the forehead.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-14-2013

yes the area that is neck muscle, that would explain the poor bonding.

question: when making a template for a full cap, should you end the template just @ the occipital bone (lower part of the skull)?

maybe my template was just too long, by one inch.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - Baldrich - 02-14-2013

I don't wear a full cap, but I don't see how the base could ever be undetectable to the touch in the area below the skull (below the occipital ridge). If you can use your biohair in that area and have the wig end at the edge of your skull, that is bound to be a better solution. Have you enough real hair to do that? Remember, your real hair will be bulked out with hair coming down from your piece.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-14-2013

it's a nice idea but no my natural hair is heavily balding, and that includes that area.

I think full cap templates are supposed to stop right at the skull?

update: after looking at some diagrams it is clear that the template is supposed to end right below the ear so that is correct.

I think I will try to leave 1 inch excess hair on my next cut in.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - Baldrich - 02-15-2013

Shame; that makes it difficult for you. I think you have 3 choices:

1. Come up with some fictitious reason why women can never touch the back of your neck.

2. Resign yourself to the fact that you will have to out yourself before they get to that point.

3. Make the best of what you have. By that I mean whatever natural hair you have left, supplemented with hair from a wig which ends at the occipital ridge, plus concealers or maybe a bit of scalp tattooing.

Superficially option 1 is the easiest, but high risk. You're putting your whole credibility on the line, and if the truth comes out you're really screwed. As for option 3, without seeing what you have to work with, I don't know how feasible that is.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-15-2013

thanks for the support.

well option 3 is out of the question, this is mainly due to the fact that I have had laser hair removal on my sides so nothing grows there, this was for easy attachment.

yes option 1 actually this could work, I doubt a woman would touch the back of my neck that often, like a <1% of it happening, then I can drop some line like "my back neck is a sensitive area, after some accident"

I think I will just leave excess hair on my next cut in, my current cut in is buzz guard #4 aka 13mm, and that includes the lower nape area.

when I get my next unit in late march I will try to style the lower nape in such a way that this is not an issue, OR I could just try and cut the template at the occipital ridge and let excess hair in from that point.

I just can't understand why it is not holding very well, is it b/c its neck muscle and not head bone? It is skin base, next one will be swiss base, but I don't see how it can make THAT much of a difference, my frontline is all swiss lace and there is ZERO lift for 48+ hours with G2BG, it might have something to do with neck muscle + angle of my head, maybe if my head was down flat and I tried to lift it it would be harder to lift?

wasn't there a poster called jrob here, that had a website and a DVD for full cap wearers, I wonder what his take was on the lower nape area, its kinda an obvious problem as soon as you bond a full cap, once you "feel around" the nape area the base lifts very easily.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - Baldrich - 02-15-2013

Yes, it's because it keeps changing shape. Basically the skin stretched over your skull is always the same shape. But the skin stretched over your neck muscles is continually changing shape, often quite drastically. It gets all concertinaed up if you look upwards, and if you look down you are probably stretching it an inch or more longer. If you bend your head to one side, it is being stretched at one side and crumpled up at the other. All of that is bound to put a lot of stress on a piece of non-stretchy mesh.

One other thought (perhaps a bit frivolous, but intended to be helpful): if you have a thick muscular neck, you can get away with a haircut which ends at the occipital ridge or just below, see for example the guy in the top photo on this page -

- whereas if you have a long thin neck, the neck hairline seems to have to come down lower. So one thing you could do would be to build up your neck muscles.

RE: full cap nape area (photo) - fullcapwearer - 02-15-2013

yes you are right, when I move my neck it dislodges the bond, this is what causes the problem.

I think it might be safer to have a longer hairstyle at the back liek the bottom 2 pictures of that link you sent me, it is quite risky if a girl moves her hands around that area.

even if it ended perfectly at the bone, there is always a high risk of that happening, but I will test that out when I get a new system.

Ill get my new system in late march, then with the current system I have I will cut one inch off it so it ends at the bone/before the neck muscle, and then do a bond, and see how that works out.

I will let you know the results, I don't want to do that now as I fear I may mess up the only unit I have that I am wearing (I have no backups)