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question about got2b spiking gel - Printable Version

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question about got2b spiking gel - elvis - 11-24-2011

for whoever uses this product. do you guys soley use it from bonding or can i use itfor gelling my hair aswell?
btw the one i got is in the yellow bottle.i hope i bought the right one. what colors is the liquid supposed to be?

RE: question about got2b spiking gel - Paul In Ireland - 11-24-2011

This is it
I wouldn`t use it on your hair really --it`s very very strong--do you really need that strength of hold ? ....or if you do, I`d go `easy`with it..although it easily rinses out so you can rinse it off in the shower.....the shower will not dislodge your tape/bond in the early days...prolonged moisture exposure and , say high body-temperature/sweating will eventually cause it to fail, but as you only got yours done a few days ago, it`ll be fine.

RE: question about got2b spiking gel - elvis - 11-24-2011

i was thinking of debonding every 7 or 8 days. and maxing out at 14 if need be.
whats ur usual debond schedule like?
have you ever went somewhere on vacation and tried going with a 3 week bond? is that possible with the tapes and glues we use? id assume that if your trying a 3 week bond you'd pretty much be stuck to using tapes and not glue..

RE: question about got2b spiking gel - Paul In Ireland - 11-25-2011

This is a gel I`ve used without problems and is available in many countries...
I`ll leave other wearers to answer your questions on suitable products/ tapes for long-term bonding. It`s always best to have quantities of bonding/cleaning items with you when travelling....especially to hot climates. I reckon if possible, to also have one night every so often when you debond and sleep with nothing bonded the skin a little `holiday`.....some tapes /glues etc. can irritate after a while especially if moisture like sweat gets trapped under them.... people can and do run into problems with long-term bonds for a variety of reasons such as those...... I only use a little `walker no-shine` for my bonds and remove it nightly --but that`s just lifestyle allows me that `luxury`... I had to go out today to collect signatures on the street against new proposed Government was a windy day... I just did my usual 1 -inch strip of tape at the back/nape, same down each side-burn part and a half-inch strip at the very front....job done--- NO need for all-over bonding and getting every last millimeter stuck down...... and I was meeting and talking to total strangers...not one person gave my hair/head a 2nd glance ...and NO the system did not blow off ! Relax guys..... don`t make this like climbing a mountain every time you have to remove to clean`d be so surprised at how much hold you`ll get with even a `light`bond like I have most days ! Also... I misted the hair before I went out and put a nice spread of `Brylcreem`through it --worked a treat to give a nice natural look and even a bit of `hold`against the wind.