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Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - Printable Version

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Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - leondon90 - 06-17-2011

Hi all,

Pictures aren't exactly of the highest quality but I put some together just to show the difference in what the partial piece has made to not only my appearance, but also to my confidence.

I ordered a stock system which came within 5 days of me paying (Excellent service). The piece was jet black in colour and blends in with my natural unbelievably perfect, 60-65% density and its freestyle, all french lace. I cut the piece all myself, then when glued in I cut the piece to style and blends and fits in perfectly with the rest of my natural hair. However I now have a fringe which I actually love to wear back now just because I have the confidence in which I can.

I hope this gives people who are thinking about taking this option but maybe a little weary that I've been in your position only days ago. When the system arrived through the mail and I opened it I thought at the time, 'Jeez was this a good idea?'. However obviously it was and its so easy to pull the look off. Not one person knows not even my own mother noone can tell that I'm wearing. It's quite incredible really.

The hair feels just like my own, It doesn't even really feel like you're 'wearing' something. It just becomes like your own hair really.
Definitely the best purchase I've made in a long, long time.

Anyways enough of my rant. I hope this helps and I'm glad to share my experience so far even though I'm 100% beginner level.


RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - Paul In Ireland - 06-17-2011

Well-done...looks great....your own hair style/length makes the blend-in relatively easy ..... a person with short sides etc. has to be more careful/get a good`ve done a great job on your own .... I was interested that you said when the system popped out of the bag, you were having your doubts..I have said this before on other posts..... the system looks totally `alien` to a newbie...but once brushed-out dampened down etc. and finally styled-in, the transformation is normally well-worth it ....happy wearing... Paul.

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - ToplaceUSA - 06-18-2011

Hi Leondon,
We are getting more and more requests for units like this. You made a stock unit work and it looks great! Many people want a custom made partial unit to bring the hair line forward and fill in a receding temple area. And some people just want a small piece to fill in a balding crown area. We can make anything that a customer wants--just give us the template, hair sample and instructions. For a newbie you did an outstanding job! Thanks for sharing those photos with us.

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - Baldrich - 06-18-2011

Hey Leondon, your attachment looks excellent - totally natural.

You have as much hair as a manga character. If I had a quarter of that amount of hair I wouldn't be wearing a piece! But whatever makes you happy. You certainly look good.

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - iamme - 06-22-2011

Hey mate, your hairs look awesome, I was going for same hairstyle but I am kinda stucked.

As in stock units, the hairline is more of like V shaped, how did you manage to get that straighter hairline.
Did you cut your unit from the back?

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - leondon90 - 06-23-2011

(06-22-2011, 05:34 AM)iamme Wrote: Hey mate, your hairs look awesome, I was going for same hairstyle but I am kinda stucked.

As in stock units, the hairline is more of like V shaped, how did you manage to get that straighter hairline.
Did you cut your unit from the back?


Hey man, cheers! I actually cut the curve receding line out at the front so that the hair just behind started to shape round to my template. When I cut around the temple I made sure the hair was in the front direction so that when I wore the system it would cover as a 'fringe' or sweep back and look natural.

When I cut the system myself I made sure the hair was seperated to I wasn't cutting the hair out, or making some parts short. It's a bit tricky man but I honestly did this within 10 minutes of receiving the piece.

Just go for it man, worth a try there's so much hair left over so if you fuck up. Just learn and try again.

good luck man!

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - iamme - 06-25-2011

Thanks for the info. I cut the receding line, but now I am not sure how could I cut the piece with the shape of my template.
Did you hold ur template to the piece with some hairpins? it is very hard to keep the hairs seperated. did u wet the hairs too?

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - Paul In Ireland - 06-25-2011

iamme.... I have never cut a base so please use your own judgement..... leondon90 will be able to answer you better than me,
but I`d imagine you would/could sit the system onto the template and hold them together by pushing a few short pins through,
and then trim/cut the outline.....I wouldn`t wet the hair either. Hopefully he`ll get back to you today as you`re probably wanting
to get this done ...Paul.

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - leondon90 - 06-29-2011

(06-25-2011, 05:55 PM)iamme Wrote: Thanks for the info. I cut the receding line, but now I am not sure how could I cut the piece with the shape of my template.
Did you hold ur template to the piece with some hairpins? it is very hard to keep the hairs seperated. did u wet the hairs too?

Sorry about the long reply Iamme,

As for your question on cutting around the template i started cutting just holding them together and after separating the hair as best as I could (wasn't perfect) I just cut away until i had a piece out which was as close to my template as possible.

I didn't put too much thought into it or as much effort as you would think its a lot easier when you just separate the hairs, match the template as best and then just bite the bullet and go for it.

I then when cut the piece out, straightened the hair on a very low setting after applying some heat protector I have on the partial. and attached.

I then waited 10 minutes until I was satisfied the system was strong enough to hold. I the cut the hair to the fringe look I wanted myself and It just blended so perfectly I was lucky.

I hope this helps its the best I can honestly say to help you. The rest is just common sense.

Good luck!

RE: Stock Unit Partial Before/After pics - iamme - 06-29-2011

God dammit, I messed up badly. I cut the front part to the shape of my template and that was easy. But hell started when I had to cut it out from the system. I kinda looks outta shape but I will give it a shot.
How did you cut it out from the system. It's like U, so the outer part of U is easy to cut, but not sure how to get the inner part.
Thanks alot for your help btw, helped me alot.