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Full-body screeners at major airports - Printable Version

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Full-body screeners at major airports - Greenery - 04-19-2011

Dear Hairwearers,

I am sure everyone is aware that most of the airports in the US have at least two screeners installed. Previously you would only find them at Chicago airport of which have now extended across the country, including Miami. Speaking of which, I was recently asked to pass through the screener at Miami airport when on my way back to NYC. As I am a wearer and was travelling with a group of friends who have no idea that I wear. For that reason, I opted for a full-body pat-down instead so as to avoid any unnecessary "embarrasment".

I believe most of you will or had faced such situation but wondering if anyone here was ever "flagged/asked" to step aside for further "interrogation/examination" that what actually is on your head.

Is it totally fine to pass through such screeners (since the person who monitors the screen will not be able to see the actual passenger) without having to worry about the embarrasment?*:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADFA_en%26ndsp%3D20%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&ei=c-SsTdaxIsb10gGS-_ylCw

Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Best Regards,

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - sagem - 04-19-2011

Interesting question, when they gave you the full bodied pat down did you tell them you were wearing? Has anyone been told to take the piece off?

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - bobbyphilly - 04-20-2011

as u get older 49 now u dont worry about this. also if u have large confidence, you dont give a s---- about what others think...maybe its good to have good comebacks..guy yells wig.wig...i say wow dude your teeth are bad and you are ugly,,but i guess if you are in you 20.s i understand
just keeping it real its only hair
also i wish i could go to doctor and he could use . screeners installed to give me fast health check
as u get older 49 now u dont worry about this. also if u have large confidence, you dont give a s---- about what others think...maybe its good to have good comebacks..guy yells wig.wig...i say wow dude your teeth are bad and you are ugly,,but i guess if you are in you 20.s i understand
just keeping it real its only hair

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - Greenery - 04-20-2011

(04-19-2011, 10:50 PM)sagem Wrote: Interesting question, when they gave you the full bodied pat down did you tell them you were wearing? Has anyone been told to take the piece off?

No, when I opted for full-body pat-down the customs officer did not even look at my head. All he did was telling me what he was going to do and then once I gave him my consent he started touching every part of my body. He did not touch my hair, though. That's the reason I asked for pat down instead of screener as through screener the person who monitors the screen will actually see that something is on top of the passenger's head. This is what I am concerned about, especially when I travel with friends who do not know about me wearing ;-)
(04-20-2011, 01:40 AM)bobbyphilly Wrote: as u get older 49 now u dont worry about this. also if u have large confidence, you dont give a s---- about what others think...maybe its good to have good comebacks..guy yells wig.wig...i say wow dude your teeth are bad and you are ugly,,but i guess if you are in you 20.s i understand
just keeping it real its only hair
also i wish i could go to doctor and he could use . screeners installed to give me fast health check
as u get older 49 now u dont worry about this. also if u have large confidence, you dont give a s---- about what others think...maybe its good to have good comebacks..guy yells wig.wig...i say wow dude your teeth are bad and you are ugly,,but i guess if you are in you 20.s i understand
just keeping it real its only hair

Hi Bobbyphilly,

Thank you for your response and comments.

Yes, I do agree with you when a person gets older whether or not you will be exposed does not really matter that much anymore. Everyone has confidence to a certain extent. If the person is so confidence he/she does not even need to wear a piece at all. To look better? To boost one's confidence?? Anyway, I am not range yet and prefer not to be exposed in public (if possible).

Anyone with similar concerns and had experienced any awkward situation may want to share with others here. Thank you.

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - sagem - 04-20-2011

Its got me thinking, im still looking into getting a piece and do have to travel a bit. I normally am asked to take my cap off going through security, which is an ordeal for me as i have had bad transplants which i am totally embarrased about. So further stress that they can detect your wearing a piece especially if i was to be travelling with friends , doesn´t sound to appealing..

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - bobbyphilly - 04-20-2011

ok i will reply with a different swing.....lets say u go to airport and they say take off your wig????. and you dont have a toplace . you have an hcm bonded superglued to your scalp i had 2 yrs. period??? they inspect your head in private and say you are cleared to go...this is not as big as a worry as most make it..i would say can i speack to you in private??? i wear a hcm wig. and i am shy


RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - Paul In Ireland - 04-20-2011

I think people are worrying unnecessarily. I had an MRI scan on my head 2 years ago and asked if it made any difference to it and was told no-not to worry about it as it`s scanning inside the head and a system will not impede the beams. The equipment at the airports is trying to detect concealed objects on a person .. I hardly think a thin layer of lace attached to the scalp will even show up and if it should , by any chance, well you just tell the person discreetly what it is.. I am sure those security guys are told to expect things like that and to be discreet when dealing with people who wear.. .. if they want to check it out , they can bring you to a more private place like a honest gut-feeling is that this is /will be a non-issue. Just my 2 -cents worth... cheers guys.. Paul.

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - Greenery - 04-20-2011

(04-20-2011, 06:23 AM)bobbyphilly Wrote: ok i will reply with a different swing.....lets say u go to airport and they say take off your wig????. and you dont have a toplace . you have an hcm bonded superglued to your scalp i had 2 yrs. period??? they inspect your head in private and say you are cleared to go...this is not as big as a worry as most make it..i would say can i speack to you in private??? i wear a hcm wig. and i am shy


Hey Bobbyphilly,

Thank you again for your response. However, it did not address my concern at all.

I am not here to talk about which company's systems you wear or whether you have the choice to speak to the officer in private (which I highly doubt so - all the officers would be extremely busy and subject to unnecessary harm if every passenger were to do the same; to speak to them in private).

What I need to know is the input from hairwearers who may be concerned about and/or have had similar experience at any airports with such screeners installed. Did the officer(s) actually have you stepped aside and followed by a question pertaining to your "top". Period!!

Of course, the other issue is the radiation emitting from the screener that may potentially post threats to our health (not yet addressed in the media but was somehow downplayed with a "not that we know of" answer). Yes, everyone will die someday. Cradle-to-grave is inevitable in everyone's life but living with cancerous cells can be tormenting. I am not too concerned about the radiation unless I have to travel at least once a week and with such accumulation over a period of time will eventually become a big health issue.

Thank you.
(04-20-2011, 10:38 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: I think people are worrying unnecessarily. I had an MRI scan on my head 2 years ago and asked if it made any difference to it and was told no-not to worry about it as it`s scanning inside the head and a system will not impede the beams. The equipment at the airports is trying to detect concealed objects on a person .. I hardly think a thin layer of lace attached to the scalp will even show up and if it should , by any chance, well you just tell the person discreetly what it is.. I am sure those security guys are told to expect things like that and to be discreet when dealing with people who wear.. .. if they want to check it out , they can bring you to a more private place like a honest gut-feeling is that this is /will be a non-issue. Just my 2 -cents worth... cheers guys.. Paul.

Thank you for your comments, Paul.

Anything that is not part of your body (including lace) is considered as a foreign object and customs officers have every right to question the passenger and from what I know there is no such thing as "private room" at the airport for trivial matters unless they receive a tip-off that something is amiss with this passenger then they will probably take that person to a place at which further interrogation can be carried out.

I am rather certain that this is very common to most customs officers just like any other surgeons (who see naked bodies day in day out) and that's why this subject was never discussed. I am just curious to know but thank you for your two cents, Paul.


RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - Mr.Hair - 04-20-2011

hair or no hair on top I never go through those cancer giving machines.... just opt out and tell them u want a regular pat down.

those things are taking pictures of you naked and they are being saved... I dont care if they see me naked but I sure dont want them looking at my wife

RE: Full-body screeners at major airports - bobbyphilly - 04-20-2011

well greenery, i am sorry for no good advice, but i have traveled the world with a toplace recently, from jfk to honkkong to philippines to thurout asia.2 weeks from now i will go to atlantis , in the bamahas and i will look for that machine. i will be leaving from phila to wpb fla- to ft laud- nassau. 2 weeks . i will let u know. just trying to give some insight, even if it does not address u question. see the problem for me here on this site is lack of posts verses the h/a site which i no longer post so i guess i am jonesing for a reply...john you got to make this forum like the other guys forum and its more friendler to shoot a fast [post. i spoke with mike about this long ago. its not user friendly imo..
bobby /philly