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Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - Printable Version

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Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - NotGuilty - 02-01-2009

Who here puts tape just behind the hairline and then finishes the very front lace with glue? How well does this work? Give me advantages/disadvantages please? Can you get the hairline just as undetectable as glue only?


Re: Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - Depp - 02-01-2009

Glue is going to give you the most undetectable front hairline. Depending on the density and the style of cut, tape can do fine, but...depending on the type of tape there can be a hint of shine as well as more of a ridge. I think if you had walker no shine or a dulled tape in the front you would be alright with putting tape behind the glue. Problems might be that the ridge might make it harder for the glue to adhere to the lace since the lace won't be 100% flat after the tape. Also the possibility that the tape breaks down before the glue could become and issue. I would try it for a week and see how it works. I am sure this is something that plenty of wearers actually do and i bet works fine once perfected and with the right combination of products.

I have about 63% in the front and use walker no-shine tape. I use tape mainly because I like the ease of use and clean up. Glue is more time consuming and I find that tape looks really good at the hairline, but everyone is different. Its what every works for you honestly.

Re: Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - JRob - 02-01-2009

I use Walker no-shine about 1/4"+ behind the hairline with white glue in front and it works like a charm.

You can also use just about any other kind of tape with white glue smeared on top to kill the shine to give a very strong hold and a nice, fine finish with white glue in front.

I wear a full cap and usually attach my temples the same way.

Re: Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - NotGuilty - 02-02-2009

Jrob, what kind of white glue do you use, and what do you use to apply it - a toothpick? a q-tip?

Also, does Walker come in contoured shapes?

Re: Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - NotGuilty - 02-02-2009

Jrob, what kind of white glue do you use, and what do you use to apply it - a toothpick? a q-tip?

Also, does Walker come in contoured shapes?


Re: Wearing tape just behind hairline, then glue - JRob - 02-02-2009

I am currently using the old CP cream glue that they no longer sell, but I have used Basebond as well. Any white glue will work. Hell, probably ANY glue at all will work because all you are doing is putting on a layer of something that you can smear as it dries to give it a matte finish.

I honestly don't know why these tape manufacturers don't come up with their own process for eliminating shine. Walker NS is great, but only comes in contours. I need a big honkin' roll of the stuff.

As for application i use my bare finger to apply in areas where practical, and a flat toothpick in tight areas.