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Easier to wear a full cap or 3/4 ? - Printable Version

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Easier to wear a full cap or 3/4 ? - xiim - 03-21-2009


it is some time I am considering switching from topper to full cap but I find difficult to find informations about it.
Actually I use only tape(s) for attachment, I find it much easier to use than glue. Would it still be possible to use tape all around or I should use glue somewhere ?
With 3/4 cap things are easier ?
I suppose that a full cap replaces all the hairs, so it probably is attached at the perimeter of my existing hair, but what about 3/4 cap, is there a way to know where it would be attached ?

Thank you Smile

Re: Easier to wear a full cap or 3/4 ? - JRob - 03-21-2009

A 3/4 is essentially a big topper. You still have to worry about color and blending and such. A full cap has none of those issues but can be arguably less realistic in the temple/nape areas.

My hair is totally shot so anything is better than what I started with. I went from a topper to a full cap and never looked back. Guys like Dino have gradually increased their base size over the years with great results.

Try a 3/4 and if that doesn't work break out the clippers and go all out. One thing I have learned though is that you probably won't regret replacing any hair that is in bad shape.

Re: Easier to wear a full cap or 3/4 ? - xiim - 03-22-2009

Thank you for the tips Smile

For what about attachment, is nape the more stressed/pulled area ?
I am considering of leaving a small "strip" of my hair on nape maybe that way it would appear more natural but I don't know if it is better for attachment resistance to attach in nape area or nearly on neck :?:
For sides I also though of leaving a few in the front part, so I hope to be able to hide the tape better...