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Newbie pics please advise - Printable Version

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RE: Newbie pics please advise - garaboy - 01-07-2012

(01-06-2012, 08:19 PM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Looking at your 2nd and 5th pics, you may have to build in some small temple depends on how far forward your hairline will be/how far back your hair has receded from.... locate that point and draw a line [an eyebrow pencil is handy for this] which follows your original hairline around to the temple areas...if there has been recession of the temples, well just `fill them in` with some flaps.....just having an oval -shaped system would look odd at the temple area.... the wisdom is to replace what you`ve lost....have a look at Snipe`s tutorial on template-making....there are 2 pages...the last pic on this page shows his flaps [ I reckon yours if you need them, will not be as large/pointed]!cpZZ2QQtppZZ16
I`ve made a new template recently for a replacement just `tweaking`it at the moment.... I used an eyebrow pencil to mark the perimeter so I could easily see it through the cling-film once I had it sitting on.... have a look at the temple area.... obviously you`re not going fullcap, but the temple area may be similar to what you may need...I`ll post a pic below.
Locate your original front hairline and work your way back from there.... simply frown or physically push your forehead-skin upwards with a`ll see the point where the scalp skin `meets`the forehead skin [scalp skin doesn`t stretch/move] and just mark that line.
This is just a line/outline marked with an eyebrow pencil
My goal is to achieve a look like this pics of rooney, made the outline a bit pointy i think but its just a draft to get the hang of it, preliminary draw on.... comments paul??? I would greatly appreciate your thought!!!

RE: Newbie pics please advise - Paul In Ireland - 01-07-2012

I`ve taken a pic off your other thread ..I`m not so sure you need any flaps as such.. it seems like you`re trying to bring your temples out to a `point` on the side of the forehead.... if that is indeed where your hair used to be, well then you could go for it but be aware that it could prove `fiddly` from the point of view of the practicality of attachment..... it will also have to be made in French lace there, as Swiss would not withstand the `pressure` of detachments for too would tend to fray and tear.... a `thin` island /strip of lace like that could prove problematic from that practical issue.....make your best judgement on it ....obviously you can see better than I can, on what needs replacing....... I`ve marked with a yellow circle what I`m talking about....the red line is a suggestion and it has less `obvious` flaps.... I`m not saying to totally change your idea, but just making you aware of the practical issues with getting a system with `odd`shaped flaps like that.... it CAN be done , but may prove `fiddly`.
pic attached ......
ps..... if you`re replying, can you just type it in the `Quick Reply`box below this post and then click `Post Reply`.....otherwise if you click the single `Reply` button immediately underneath this box, it replicates the whole post and makes the thread very long..cheers !

RE: Newbie pics please advise - garaboy - 01-07-2012

you are right Paul, will follow your suggestion, I'll keep working at it, trying to make the best of the first system, tahnks for all your help:.:

RE: Newbie pics please advise - Paul In Ireland - 01-07-2012

It can be a bit nerve-wracking making your first template, but just take your time, follow the hints/steps on Snipe`s tutorial and if you need a bit of coverage at the temples certainly do build it in ....many people have temple-recession and `fill`it in again....if you can keep it to more to a triangular shape like snipe has done, it`ll be easier to work with when attaching can always tweak it a bit on the next order....keep your first one fairly simple/straightforward until you get the `hang`of can / will become more adventurous in time.....pop on a pic of your finished template sitting on your head and you`ll get a few opinions on any final `tweaks` that may be needed before sending it of ... chat soon!

RE: Newbie pics please advise - garaboy - 01-12-2012

Paul, was wondering about the specs when ordering, do you recommend a poly around the perimeter including the front? I have seen a lot of systems that have poly only on back and sides, is it normal to order with a poly on front as well as the back and sides??? I'm inclined to order a french lace swiss front with poly on perimeter since it gives the piece sturdiness, but i don't know if i should order with poly in front... what do you think???


RE: Newbie pics please advise - Paul In Ireland - 01-12-2012

Hi garaboy.... no..just go for a lace front.... poly can be very visible there as the density is graduated [lighter] at the front and also, if/when shedding occurs as it eventually does over time, it will be too visible....lace is the way to go at the front. I always wore poly sides/back in my topper days...I think it`s very easy to work-with for newbies as it`s so easy to clean and it`s very robust. The only thing with poly is , when detaching, you have to use your alcohols `under`it.....there`s no point in spraying lace-release down onto it as the poly is impervious and the liquid will not get at the glue/tape under it...a good method is use a little plastic syringe, and spray little darts of alcohol through the hair/lace just inside the edge of the poly--where it joins the lace..that will seep under it and loosen the hold. Just de-bond the front lace as normal and fold it back..then when you `meet`the poly, spray a little alcohol there and let it `work`for a can gradually peel the system back, spraying more alcohol as you go, until it`s fully de-bonded. Be careful of your eyes when spraying . Poly comes in different last ones had 1-inch width.... I`d go no lower than 3/4 of an inch and no higher than 1 inch....depends on what you`d like yourself.....some people reckon that because the hair is put into the poly differently [ injected or looped] and hair is tied in by hand onto lace, that it can affect the overall `look`as the hairs can `lie`differently on the head..... I never ever had a problem with it..I just got injected hair on the poly and it was fine. One of the other advantages of poly is it `seals` the edge of the lace and prevents it from fraying of the disadvantages is it can be a little more detectable to touch at the edge than lace.... I think any system --no matter what material-- can be detectable if a person really ``went looking`` but chances are slim enough usually....I think poly can be a little more detectable if tapes are used at the very edge as this can `raise`the poly slightly compared to glue, but don`t fret over it.... we can `over-think` some of these reality, you`ll find what works best for you. Once you get used to wearing, you could decide to go all-glue or some guys use tape `inside`the poly and glue at the very edge so it`s less likely to be be honest, I`d find that very tedious to be doing all the way around....I`m pretty lazy !! A few strips of tape here and there for me and I`m good to go !

RE: Newbie pics please advise - Paul In Ireland - 01-12-2012

Hi garaboy.... Poly would likely be too visible at the front due to the graduated density and the eventual normal shedding which most systems go through... I always wore poly sides/back on my toppers-- An inch width ,but 3/4s of an inch would be fine too...most tapes are 3/4s of an inch width too so , worth bearing that in mind. Just have a lace-front.
Also, removal of your system is slightly different when you have a poly strip as opposed to an all-lace. Poly is obviously impervious to liquids, so spraying lace-release `down`on to it, will not result in de-bond..... an easy way is spray a little lace-release on at the point where the lace joins the poly... it will tend to seep in there and help release the hold of the tape and/or glue.
Release your lace front as normal, then fold it up/back until you can see the `start`of the poly...spray a little lace-release on there, taking care to avoid your eyes, then wait a minute for it to work, then gently peel the system back further until you meet `resistance`..spray on more, wait , and `peel back` further`ll have it released easily that way..... advantages of poly is it`s robust and easily cleaned..also very easy to `take`to tapes and glues when re-bonding. Disadvantages can be, slightly more detectable to touch at the edge, especially with tape under it, as the tape is marginally thicker than glue.... also some guys assert that because hair is either injected or looped into poly and hand-tied onto lace, the end-result can be a bit `off` because the hair lies differently on the 2`s never been an issue that I noticed. It`s easy to maybe tend to `over-analyse` or `worry` about every little detail..... just go for your choice [poly/lace combination] and see how you find can tweak your next order as you see fit.....cheers.

RE: Newbie pics please advise - garaboy - 01-13-2012

a step closer to reaching the first order, man I do appreciate all of your valious info, really I do, you're great Paul!!! Thanks so much...
Next step is to make my template, i'm taking baby steps here but surely I am....

RE: Newbie pics please advise - Paul In Ireland - 01-13-2012

You`re welcome....just take your time when`s quite easy /straightforward to do.... I`ll be posting a few pics of my latest Fullcap template which I made recently, just to have it ready for when I next order... I`ll pop them on a new thread in the next day or so.. might be of interest to anyone in the process of making one....a topper template is more or less the same except smaller.