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skin wearers question - Printable Version

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RE: skin wearers question - johnnycs1 - 06-17-2013

I apply Davlyn to the skin perimeter only , about inch wide or so , like today .
To the unit base only !
Let it almost completly... to completly dry. still a little tacky to the touch.
This initally application is adhesive to about 9/10 days.
Seems to keep on staying sticky , especially when base is wiped off with alcohol in conjuction with a base rinse off.
Spray with G2bG Spiking spray, head and base. Also at times, I , lightly coat both surfaces with their ( G2bG ) Rubber Cement . Followed by kinda lightly pressing and pulling away,with my hand both surfaces. Helps to kinda make it tacky !
Apply unit , pressing all over.
Xeon....this is good for as long as you want, 10 days , couple weeks (the unit ) ...your call.
Of course daily rinse offs and at times alcohol wipes of the base. Acohol not only cleans but seems to revive the adhesives still on the base. Do as you like with your scalp under the shower...., just rinse , or shampoo. I don't shampoo everyday. But I do soap lather up !
Now as I told Oldwearer ...from that first day on , only when the Davlyn is applied...the subsequent attachments , when I reapply the G2bG products , whatever I choose to use that day, ....spiking spray , or combined with the rubber cement , takes me a couple minutes at the most !! Smile Try that with lace ! I don't think so ! ?? Altho , I could be wrong !!
Also during that 10 day or so period , I may use a strip of tape , applied to my head only , and/or maybe a refresher dab of Davlyn , here and there , or over the complete perimeter, takes like 10 seconds to do !
Thats my procedure and works well for me , over the last 20 plus years....Hope it works for you also ! But like , Xeon, everyone is different ! But don't know if I buy into that completly ! ?

Take care...thanks,
johnny/albuquerque...wearing 50 years !

RE: skin wearers question - Xeon005 - 06-17-2013

Thanks johnny I got the general jist,, I just was wondering like on your very first attachment if you only used davlyn and skipped the got2b .. Or you use the got2 on your first attachment. I ask because i thought maybe the got2b on your first attachment might mess up the davlyn black and not make it settle in the right way.

lace can be just as easy. I easily can get a one to 3 day hold using just spiking glue to attach the base and a little ORWG at the front hairline. And removal takes minutes. I could also put a few pieces of super tape or stick it tape around the perimeter and use a little ORWG for the hairline and be done pretty quick and that could last me over a week for sure. than removing again would take minutes without much residue.. Just maybe a little at the front from the ORWG but that comes off pretty easy.

I am going to do the davlyn black routine you do. maybe that is what I am missing .. and that might help the got2b from breaking down in the heat for me.. seriously just using got2b and going out on a hot day i can feel the shit sliding around my head.