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need advice on a fullcap template - Printable Version

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RE: need advice on a fullcap template - Paul In Ireland - 10-06-2011

I always have bodywave..... remember now though--you`ll have no blending issues with your Fullcap as opposed to when you had a topper sitting onto your own hair, so if you want a bit of `wave` it`s not going to `clash`with anything... might be worth a thought ? Paul.

RE: need advice on a fullcap template - EricInNY - 10-06-2011

Like those styles fate, good luck with it. As far as when you guys talk about "blending". If you get a system that does not match exact your existing hair color is it possible to dye the hairpiece itself to match? Also since fate you are going full cap does that mean you shave your entire head? Last one for you guys, are these styles possible with just a topper and my existing sides cut a little bit tighter? Of course I would look better with them though lol.

RE: need advice on a fullcap template - fate - 10-06-2011

so long as your sides are thick enough to be cut that short and look good, and your temples havent receeded much you'll be okay.. although with a topper if your temples have receeded, you can get temple flaps (which is from what I've read) recommended if you do have temple recession.

Are the styles possible? Yep. Just look at the model at the top of the page (I forget his name)

As for hair color, if your hair color is dark then it is much easier to color match then a blonde / light brown, so I wouldn't worry about it (assuming you have dark hair). Otherwise normally the color match is very close if not spot on from a hair sample.. and yes, hair peices can be dyed to match although I haven't done so myself. On my first order John offered me a stock which was a dull blonde that I could dye to match my specific hair color. I didn't feel comfortable dyeing it so I just sent in a sample.

RE: need advice on a fullcap template - EricInNY - 10-06-2011

My temples are gone, my hair is dark blonde, if you look at the guy on the top of the page my front is like his but I have a little more on the top, gonna try my template tomorrow nite, when done I'll post and seek your guys advice on a style suitable.

RE: need advice on a fullcap template - JRob - 10-07-2011

You have gotten some excellent advice so far but I have a few more suggestions.

First, it looks like you have a lot of hair under that template. You don't have to get your template to conform to your head absolutely perfectly, but keep in mind that with your growing hair pushing the template away from your head this could potentially make the unit a little "baggy" on your head causing wrinkles in the attachment.

Secondly, you want to make sure that your temple points are far enough forward. I have always tried to err on the side of caution by keeping the temple points on my full caps a little conservative, but I have found that my units look better when the temple points are a little stronger. There is an art to getting them in just the right place and it might take a couple of tires to get it dialed in but judging from the pics yours look a little weak for the hairline you have created. It is hard to tell without a full face pic so keep that in mind if you make alterations.

The last thing I would recommend is cutting the template a little around the ears. You can always leave it longer and trim it when it comes in, but either way you will need some space in between the hairpiece and your ears or it will drive you INSANE. Trust me on this one.

Other than that it looks god. I would take Paul's advice and cut a little more recession into the upper temples, but even that isn't crucial if you are going to be combing the hair forward.

Keep us posted!