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TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - Printable Version

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TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - eupe124 - 11-24-2008

Is TL-500 really undetectable to touch?

With kind regards,

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - Tapehead - 11-24-2008

No hairpiece is REALLY undetectable to significant touching.

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - eupe124 - 12-11-2008

If its not really undetectable, how does this work when sleeping with a girl?

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - FredTJ - 12-11-2008

If it's a one time thing, who cares, otherwise simply tell her.


Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - Rod - 12-11-2008

If she lives in another state and its a one time thing, then I wouldn't care but otherwise I don't want everyone in town knowing so I suggest being extra careful. I think its possible to get very close to being undetectable but I don't believe you can get it 100%. I have always believed that it was the best thing to go ahead and tell them if and only if you planned on being in any kind of relationship. If your hair looks good and she likes you, she won't care. I've had to tell a few girls before and none of them cared one bit. It's a relief when they know and you don't have to worry about them finding out the wrong way. Luckily I don't have that problem anymore. I know there are others that disagree as this has been discussed before, but i am just giving you my opinion mate.

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - eupe124 - 12-12-2008

Thank you for he informative feedback.

Okay, well just say its only a one time thing... How can you enjoy your self with a girl when chances are real she feels something is not right and could even stop any sec to ask about it?

With kind regards,

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - Jonesy123 - 12-12-2008

Make the hair off limits, tell her you have sensitive scalp, you cut your head recently or something. Don't let her find out by touching, and telling her on the first time is too risky, who knows if she could be trusted.

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - GQPilot 737 - 12-12-2008

Just make sure its totally secure and you're actually in really good shape. If things get real "intimate" and she can't stop grabbing your hair, then let her go for it. You'll find that if its secure, you will feel her maybe touch the piece, but she won't think anything of it. Remember, WE know its there but she doesn't by default.

If she lost a tooth, how quick would she have a dentist replace it? If her breast fell off, how quick would she get an implant? If you lost your hair, how fast would you be ordering at TopLace? :-)

If she does figure it out (which will take a LONG time of messing your hair up if it's attached right), then you can joke and say "Got ya, didn't I? It's totally fake, pretty cool huh?" and have some fun with it. Like stated above, the right girl will NOT care one bit as long as you look good. And if it's just a one night stand, you wouldn't care anyway.

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - Jonesy123 - 12-13-2008

Quote:If she does figure it out (which will take a LONG time of messing your hair up if it's attached right), then you can joke and say "Got ya, didn't I? It's totally fake, pretty cool huh?" and have some fun with it.

What if you had a full head of real hair, and you brought home a bald girl who wear a wig. I think that if right before you enter bed with her, she say that she wear a wig and ask if you still want to do it, then first you’ll feel more respect for her, and second, most chances that if she looks good, you won’t care (at least for that night). But, if she’ll say nothing (and won't even warn that hair is "off limits"), and then during the act you somehow rip her piece and discover a bald head, the shock and horror could be so great that you won’t even be able to comprehend the words coming out of her mouth saying: "Got ya, didn't I? It's totally fake, pretty cool huh?", while she's having some fun with it.

Quote:Like stated above, the right girl will NOT care one bit as long as you look good. And if it's just a one night stand, you wouldn't care anyway
And what if she’s not the right girl ?, what if she’s the most wrong girl you can possibly get, what then ?, do you want your life at the mercy of this girl ?

Re: TL-500 really undetectable to touch? - GQPilot 737 - 12-15-2008

Jonesy, I agree with you but that isn't what the poster inquired about. He asked how it worked when simply "sleeping with a girl."

I just don't think things like wearing a system need to be disclosed right away. I prefer to build some connection and show all your other highlights in a relationship before disclosing. That could be months or even a year, depending on a case by case basis. Everyone is different, that is just my own personal preference.

Besides, if one was gonna disclose it was a system right off the bat, then who really cares if it is undetectable to the touch or not? Would be an un-needed consideration in any hair system.