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Looking for some honest reflection...
09-04-2014, 06:08 PM,
RE: Looking for some honest reflection...
You want honesty? I'll happily provide it to you.

- No system is undetectable, just different degrees of detectable.

- People notice a lot less than you indicated -- I have worn fairly bad pieces out of necessity, fully expecting people to notice, but they haven't. I have worn two totally different shades of blonde (full cap, one was much darker shade than the other) and my two adolescent stepchildren didn't even notice.

- They can look terrible, be poorly matched in color, and depending where you buy - be very inconsistent from order to order. (My experience the last year, not from TopLace).

- Depending on your balding pattern, hair pieces would be best described as 'the only' option (if balding is not an option, that is.)

- Detectability is directly influenced by three factors (barring random inconsistencies):
Seriousness of the attempt: how serious the attempt is by you,
Effort: how much effort you put into preparation,
Money: how much you are willing to spend.

Be ready to expend all of the above, to different degrees, for the result required. Seriousness is a matter of taking the information available SERIOUSLY. Effort is expending time to achieve it. All the information you need is here.

Wearing can be very stressful, but for most not as much as being bald. (why would we do it otherwise?)
You need to be ready to accept the reality, that you are wearing a wig. You are still you. People will notice you have hair, and perhaps if you do it badly that you are wearing a wig. Either way, it is what makes you happy as a person.

It can be very easy to get lost in getting the most undetectable look, or at least it is for me. Just do it well enough to look good, if the wig is up to scratch (shouldn't be a problem with TopLace) it is dead easy.

After that you make the most of your investment: money to feel more enjoyment out of life. Don't spend the money if you won't cash in on that investment.

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RE: Looking for some honest reflection... - fate - 09-04-2014, 06:08 PM

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