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First Template draft pics (resized!) any suggestions...
01-23-2012, 08:07 AM,
RE: First Template draft pics (resized!) any suggestions...
Hi guys... yeah a freestyle is pretty easy to work with and won`t expose the hairline as I assumed garaboy was going going to go for..... I think the fact that the hair has been wet is kind of exaggerating the thinness to more than it is if the hair were dry. I wore freestyle on my toppers....I tended to train it into one particular style and leave it at that, rather than different ones every so often ...main reason was, once I was happy there was no knot-visibility issue [thankfully there never was] and once I had it cut-in , I then sealed the knots...once that`s done, it can sometimes be less `compliant`when you try to change the style, as the knots are not free to move about a bit....freestyle knots are tied in not as tightly or `set`,as a particular style- ordered ,would naturally be...like if you order, say, `forward- from- crown`, well that`s what you`ll get, and the hair will be tied into the lace in that direction and will want to stay that way.
With freestyle you can `play about`with it more easily, but if you decide to apply knot sealer, it can restrict your attempts to re-style the hair later...... personally I`m not too keen on messing about with changing the style, because you may need to be somewhere, and you decide that morning you want a different look.....you can end up having a `bad hair`day if you can`t get it `right`---has happened to me before..think it happens to us all occasionally...we just can`t get it `right`and end up cancelling going some place...seldom, but it can happen. So, I just go with a style that I`m finding suits me or is easy, and I stay with that..... as a noob, and a first system, freestyle is very forgiving ...... allows a lot of latitude to experiment. Some guys have their growing hair lying in a really `strong`particular direction ...in which case it`s probably best to order a ventilation to match it..... if your hair is of a reasonable length, and you can often `mess about ` with it, a freestyle will be really easy to work with and ease you into the wearing game.

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RE: First Template draft pics (resized!) any suggestions... - Paul In Ireland - 01-23-2012, 08:07 AM

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