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My quest for a partial hairpiece
07-24-2011, 08:51 PM,
RE: My quest for a partial hairpiece
Hi Zandberg09...... It`s possible that once you trimmed the system, some hairs at the edge will then shed out but as you`ve applied knot-sealer that will prevent serious shedding...all new systems lose a little hair and will have some loose hairs interspersed with the knotted-in hairs.... there`s really not a lot of point I guess, in ordering a custom-made partial, as it`s so narrow/small anyway that it will take on the contour of the front of the head easily, so you should be able to trim a stock and get 2 or 3 partials from that. As for showering...you can leave it glued on and just avoid shampooing it---you can easily stand with your back to the shower-head, and lean your head backwards so that mainly your growing hair gets fully wet/shampooed .....no need to shampoo your partial daily as it will not be dirty/oily like your growing hair /scalp can be..... simply allowing it to get wet/damp will be fine and help you to style it ...just blot it dry with the towel..don`t rub it hard with towels etc..... I mist mine daily with water, then a few sprays of leave-in conditioner and I`m good to go..... I`d say it`s kind of tricky to trim such a narrow partial with trying to see the lace through the hair..... you shouldn`t lose any more than some `stray`hairs through shedding with a new system....touching the hair will not affect it...certainly if you have a habit of scratching/itching your head there you could certainly eventually cause hair to break off/shed..... my main `treatment` of systems is infrequent shampooing as hair is not actually really `dirty` unless you work in a dusty environment etc. but simply dampen it with water from a little atomiser bottle then a few sprays of leave-in conditioner......Debbie sells system-friendly gel and shampoos etc.....best not to use too many `ordinary`products as they can be hard on system hair......hope it all works out for you now ...you`ve made the leap so it will get easier from here on in...... Paul.
p.s..... meant to say that once knot-sealer has been applied, no thinning -out of density will be possible using `Nair`or similar hair -removal products as it will not be able to penetrate the layer of knot-sealer..... any such thinning should be done before sealing knots.

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RE: My quest for a partial hairpiece - Paul In Ireland - 07-24-2011, 08:51 PM

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