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Hi All/ToplaceUSA, please introduce a stylist in Hong Kong
05-25-2010, 04:43 AM,
RE: Hi All/ToplaceUSA, please introduce a stylist in Hong Kong
Hi, I am a Toplace regular member who currently live in HK, love to share my experience with other members here.

I know a few places in HK that provide hair replacement services, but they are either super expensive (e.g. 哈佛, 愛髮), or they are super crappy (e.g. the one I dealt with). The one I dealt with is super crappy because they don't use an undectable base and don't have the concept of cutting it short, exposing hairline etc... needless to say, styling at 80s~! Overall, they will all convince you to use their monthly service plan instead of DIY...

So how do I cut my hair? Well I actually do go to a REGULAR salon, told the guy (and show him my bald head) and ask him to cut it as the same way as other customers... (except be more careful!!). After a few attempts, the guy is doing a decent job now and I tips him a lot!! (Well, if you pay HKD$200 a guy (USD$30) to cut a hair, they are really happy already!)

So I live in 荃灣 area... you can try out my stylist

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RE: Hi All/ToplaceUSA, please introduce a stylist in Hong Kong - emery - 05-25-2010, 04:43 AM

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