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Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
12-22-2008, 07:58 AM,
Re: Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
Quote:The telling women thing is always a concern which comes up here pretty often, and it's something you have to accept as a consequence of your decision to wear--- but it usually never turns out to be that big of a deal in practice if you know the girls are into you and you look good in the piece... that's why you don't read about many problems, I assume. Just get it out of the way early.

The thing is, that if I was a very good looking young woman, then there are so many cute guys I can choose from, why on earth would I want to pick out a guy with a wig ?, as a good looking young woman I don’t see how I would want to do this… even if I, as that woman, thought that the guy looks great with the wig, and really accepted it, why would I want to date someone who does something that get so much resentment from society ?

In reality though I understand that women often don’t think like this… I guess I’m just not very good at thinking like a woman... or maybe I am good at thinking like a woman, only not like a woman who developed strong emotions toward a man (and if that is correct, then getting the wig "too early" out of the way might not be such a good idea...).

Quote:In any case, I wouldn't let this one girl have that much influence over what you decide to do whether you get the piece or just get some clippers and trim all your hair short and close (which might look good on you vs. the combover.... who knows).
I do not want to trim it short, since then people will see I’m balding, and I’ll never be able to switch smoothly to a wig. I simply don’t want to appear bald, ever. I look so much better with a head full of hair, and I feel hair is a part of me, no less than my teeth.

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Re: Crazy story about a girl, and the wig... - Jonesy123 - 12-22-2008, 07:58 AM

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