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Hair replacement (lots of questions)
04-01-2009, 02:49 AM,
Hair replacement (lots of questions)
I am fairly new to this forum and been reading this website a lot (and the advice for the newbies as well), but I have still loads of questions to ask.

I live in UK and I want to order a custom piece for my self so that I am ready with every thing during the convention and possibly wear it first time over there.
I have loads of questions ( I have read the forum for the newbies but i am still left with few questions, I may find them as I read more but if i can get replies to this post that would be great).

1. First of all where can I get any cd that explains all the procedure from start ..I read few posts talking about a video cd etc, so If some one can point me in the right direction then that would be great. I have no clue what so ever how every thing works.. any advice would be great.

2. I want 1/2 to 3/4 of my head covered with a partial piece, how will that work. I have explained in my previous post, that I have hair transplant at the front, 1/3 of my head. Is partial hair piece more easy to manage or its more difficult because of blending issue, is blending very difficult to manage?

3. Another question I wanted to ask is that, I don't know how to make template ..is it possible to order a full system and then I can get it cut to the specifications during the convention? I dont want to shave my head to make templates. and I am worried that I wont make it right. I am new student here in UK so I dont have close friends that i can talk to or get help from making templates etc..

4. Is there any recognized stylist or place in uk that you guys recommend to go to during my first couple of months with a piece, so that I can go there in case of any problem before i get used to it doing it my self. I live in manchester, so any place near manchester would be wonderful.

5. (Shampoo and conditioner) I am suffering from hair thinning all over my head.. The problem i m facing (which many of you would know) is that when i take a shower and my hair is wet, I can style them and it looks ok. but after some time when the hair dries, as they are thin, they dont look very good and they look messy ( I hope you understand what I am trying to say as my english is not that good Smile). Is their some hair cream or any hair products that give me the wet look, well not necessary the wet look but the characteristics of the hair when they are wet Smile. I know about gels and brylcreams but i dont like them because they make hair stiff, i want them to be smooth, is there any product that will give me this look, i.e heavy hair as they are when they are wet and also smooth, even if my hair look "wet" its ok, but they should be heavy and smooth.. i hope what i m saying makes sense? Smile

6. I am going to book an online consultation appointment with debby and I think that will help me a lot..

7. And last but not the least...Where can i order Dermmatch from. Can I order it from toplace?

I am very new to all these hair things and would greatly appreciate any advice....I will keep on posting with more questions so do bare with meSmile..I am also reading all the posts on this website as well..

04-01-2009, 05:12 AM,
Re: Hair replacement (lots of questions)
1. Yes, get Michigan Baldy's DVD. You can buy it from Toplace or from Debbie.

2. Blending is easy if colour match is correct. But shaving all the hair and getting a full topper would probably be easier to be honest, and would no doubt look better and more consistent. Do you *really* want to save that hair?

3. Just get MB's DVD Smile Easy as a piece of cake!

4. Yes, there are plenty of them. Ask BA and he will give you details.

5. Not sure about this... you could try Waxworks. Altho it won't look wet unless you use lots:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.beautybay.com/assets/uploaded/fck/Image/large/bb_nlnc_wax_works.jpg">http://www.beautybay.com/assets/uploade ... _works.jpg</a><!-- m -->

6. Yes it will Smile Also get MB's DVD for reference.

7. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.dermmatch.com/cgi-bin/lc2c_authorizenet2.cgi">https://www.dermmatch.com/cgi-bin/lc2c_ ... zenet2.cgi</a><!-- m -->
04-01-2009, 11:22 AM,
Re: Hair replacement (lots of questions)
Please send your mailing address to me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> and I'll send you a free copy of Michigan Baldies 2 DVD set. It has a lot of great info.
04-01-2009, 12:58 PM,
Re: Hair replacement (lots of questions)
ToplaceUSA Wrote:ZXCV,
Please send your mailing address to me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> and I'll send you a free copy of Michigan Baldies 2 DVD set. It has a lot of great info.

E-mail me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> and I will give you details of a stylist in Southport who is a customer of ours and also teaches this stuff, He will also be at the Convention in Birmingham.
04-01-2009, 11:28 PM,
Re: Hair replacement (lots of questions)
Sorted then Smile

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