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How realistic are hair systems
07-14-2013, 05:35 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
only one of the behaviours requires a psychologist.

that's my last word on it.
I'll selfishly think just of myself (huh?) and move on. You may have the last word (what else is new) but I won't see it.

07-14-2013, 06:01 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Ok, then I will have the last word.
I will seriously take on board what you have said and consider it.
If my contributions are truly drowning out other would be posters, then that is not a good thing.

In situations where I have self doubt, I usually apply the "what if everybody did as I do" rule.
And I ask myself if everybody was equally prolific, verbose and opinionated in their contributions as I am, would that be such a bad thing for the forum?

At the moment I'm torn, because I desperately want to tell Chazisland what a great result he's had, but then I'm just opening myself up for more criticism.
You're quite right, I would need a psychologist to help me understand why wanting to congratulate someone would be such a bad thing to do.

Is it really better to be like you Atlantaguy and sit back, not contribute much and be critical of those that do?
But, as I said, I will think about your remarks. I just wish they had come from someone who IS a positive influence on the forum, as they would be in better context.
07-14-2013, 07:35 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
I Doubt there'd be a forum if they were not realistic,

this question could have been answered without a post, searching the forum.

maybe we need a banner saying cant find youre answer try searching our forum

07-14-2013, 05:30 PM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
I would just like to say i that truly appreciate herstutes responses and comments, weather there useful or hes just trying to be witty lol you understand the loss of hair and the pain of it and are just trying to help everybody else go thru it, do you spend too much time on forums. probably lol but thats alright, everybody has their bad habit. Your not crazy or old or whatever you think you are herstute, your doing a good thing. Dont let anyone else convince you otherwise
07-15-2013, 03:01 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
predictable B.S. that will come out from the "followers"

lets save the court some time, there's plenty of others like this guy
your Honor. But we maintain a psychologist is needed.

07-15-2013, 06:52 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Dear Atlantaguy,

You are psychotic or jealous of herstute. i cant decide which one, nor do i really care. go attack someone else.


P.S. Get a new hobby
07-15-2013, 07:27 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Got a good idea to settle this issue once and for all:

let Hersute continue to flood the hairlosshelp forum with his
divine inspiration. That site is worthless, but if you cannot
get enough of this guy, that could be the place to go for
the mindless drones (it already is). Then Hersute continues
to be happy opining to the useful idiots, and there are other
forums to go without the flood.

This closes the topic for me.

07-15-2013, 09:09 AM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Thank you Bamac, I appreciate it.
But I wouldn't get involved if I were you.
It appears the Man from Atlanta has moved us from his imaginary conference to his imaginary courtroom, where I'm now on trial!?!

Its all got too confusing for me and I've lost track of what the original point was.

More importantly Bamac, I was pleased to see you had posted here because the last time you posted, you didn't sound like you were in a great frame of mind and then you went very quiet.

I tried sending you a private message through Toplace, but I'm not sure they actually work?

I just wanted to check you were ok?
07-15-2013, 05:34 PM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
hey herstute!

I'm actually doing great, i don't think you can private message people anymore Sad but i would love to talk to you some other way outside of the toplace forum if you wouldnt mind! i appreciate your concern!
07-15-2013, 08:35 PM,
RE: How realistic are hair systems
Hello to all. There is a big difference in the term flooding the forum and what Hersute is doing. There are posters that seem addicted in just starting threads and keep asking the same darn quetion all the time, over and over again. I just avoid them by not answering. Point Final. They ask the same questions on many forums and to an extent that is ok but when you have asked the same question about 2 weeks ago but just changed the words arround a little that gets kind of annoying.They are long time posters and should know better by searching the forum, No need to mention any names. However I have found that alot of the posters appreciate Hersute answering their concerns. I have been wearing many years and sometimes I still feel I need advise on certain issues and Hersute answers promptly. A forum will never please everyone all of the time. There will always be nayers. If you have issue with Hersute posts just skip over them and go to the next. No offense to anybody.

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