Have a look at the Homepage here
http://www.toplace.com/ Click on your national flag and your browser [I use Google Chrome] should translate the page into your language ...you can then go to the forum and read it in your native language.
If you think you can get a reasonably good colour-match in a stock, and the medium density will be ok, well then, yes you should probably be able to make a stock ` work` for you....bear in mind you may have to trim it to fit your thin area...... they are 8 inches in width [ear-to-ear] and 10 inches front-to-back..... if this is a little bit too large for you, you can easily trim it to fit---however, do not cut the front as this has ` graduated` hair-density for a natural look... if you cut off the front, you`ll end up with the denser hair sitting right on your hairline and it will look wrong......so confine it to the sides and /or back should you actually need to trim it.
In terms of your temple area....as Hersute told you, stocks don`t have them, but if you leave the hair a little on the ` long` side when having it styled-in, you can easily cover/ hide that area until you get a ` proper` custom-made system..... also, bear in mind that with a stock, the perimeter may not sit snugly to the shape of your individual head , due to it`s curvature ---- heads come in all shapes and sizes ! However, should you get some ` bunching-up` on parts of the perimeter, it won`t be visible as such, but it will / would be detectable to touch....... those ` pleats` always feel a lot bigger than they actually are , but they can ` annoy` you ! Some guys get a perfect fit with a stock---just depends...... you might be one of those !!
Hope you can get the translate function to help you read more easily...cheers for now.