ok have done so.
This was the perfect hairstyle that I wanted to try, probably the most difficult to replicate!
I would Love to see TopLace try and make something like this, with close cut in sides
Ok thanks for that, I'm not great at making templates, I will probably just send my hair system I got from captain hair, it seems more or less at the same place.
what are your thoughts on the picture above?
I have sent them an e-mail, and showed them your pictures.
also the last hairpiece took 3 months to arrive, and it was blonde and full skin, but I asked for light brown and Full Lace!
so now it has been remade, and I think it has been 5 months in total!
on the website it said 8 week or 4 weeks rush order, it is total BS, rush order does nothing, and it is almost always been about 12-16 weeks each time, 3x they never bleached the knots, one time wrong base material and colour, lot's of things wrong with this one.