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Farrell video about system with temple points
08-09-2012, 07:02 AM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
I was kind of distracted by his gum chomping when he was drawing the lines on the guys head...

In that second video the guys hair looks like vanilla ice. Too thick...
08-12-2012, 11:33 AM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
Very interesting, ahmed ... about Farrell wearing a full cap.

When I first began researching solutions to my hair loss online, I came across Farrell. I remember watching every video on his site, and in a few, he distinctly stated that he was NOT a "hair loss sufferer." Yet I, in agreement w/ others here, have always felt there was something off about his own.

I wonder if he uses that as his Ace card when closing the deal in person, like the famous tag line ... "I'm not only the president, but also a client ..." While I may not have loved his hair style, I guess I believed it was his own.

I agree with others on the videos as well. The one dimensionality, and darkness, of the color is a problem in both.

In the first video, I also like the overall shape of the hairline, and the temples look vastly improved ... it just looked like poor ventilation at the hairline to me, and a need for a more graduated, diffuse density in that first inch or so.

The second video has a client that I've seen in many of Farrell's videos, and have liked his look in the older ones. It seems that this client has perhaps aged and receded further at the temples. The look in this video has a strange looking straight line at the hairline, w/ a sudden sharp angle of recession ... too rectangular?

Thanks for the post and discussion ...

08-19-2012, 08:20 AM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
I don't think there is anything wrong with the dimensions because we as educated consumers want to create an ideology of what we think is a normal hairline or hair pattern. If you look at people with really thick full heads of hair, they can have all different kind of hairline patterns. In fact an irregular hairline with sharp angles can be realistic because a lot of people have that. They maintain full heads of hair with a recession pattern that just angles back.

We just know hes wearing a wig, so we are on high alert immediately to high density or irregular hairlines that aren't the typical A.. There is a lot to it in my opinion. Your age, how the hairline frames your face, the hair style, HOw thin or think your back and sides is etc.

In any case im never impressed with farrell because A. he uses people with very think side and back hair.. and B. he creates the same type of style. or variations of the same style over and over and over. I been using temple flaps for years, Learned how to do it myself before I even knew it was possible. I don't wear curtain styles or styles that are easily concealable. I have thinnish sides and back hair, and i wear my hair in a fade extremely short. I buzz the very back of my head and sizes on a number 1. And i have to blend all of that into temple flaps and the hair system. Thats a challenge, Not what farrell is showing us.
08-24-2012, 12:14 PM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
anyone ever see the segment "if they mated" on conan o brien? Farrell reminds me if you took howard stern and Sylvester stalone and merged them together lol
08-30-2012, 06:40 PM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
I'm a former Farrell wearer and the piece the guy is wearing in the video like others have mentioned is too dark and dense. It's very detectable in my opinion. I could only imagine what Farrell charges for a system with temples. I paid close to $5000 for two toppers back in 02.
08-30-2012, 09:27 PM,
RE: Farrell video about system with temple points
WOW that's expensive!!!! for that price I could have all the women I wanted hehehe

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