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Ordering a piece with "no crown"
01-23-2009, 01:02 PM,
Ordering a piece with "no crown"
Can any/everyone that orders "no crown" tell me the reason why and what they like about it. I don't specify on my order either way but was thinking about ordering this next time. Thanks.

01-23-2009, 11:20 PM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
I dont order a crown. I thought about how many people at work who's crown I have noticed. The answer was one but I think depending on the hairstyle you want, you may need one.
01-24-2009, 06:44 AM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
I just received my first Toplace system. I ordered freestyle. It has a clear crown area that is very thin. I ordered 75%
Is this normal with Freestyle?
Also, since I am trying to move from hairclub to Toplace I was a bit shocked at the thin density. Although the hari is really soft. My current system has a thick base, more like thick lace or almost thin burlap (lol). Sometimes I have a hard time finding the base from the hair side of the my old unit. Do most people who convert from the more rug look seemed shocked at the thinness of the base and thin density? I also noticed that lace must be cut off all around the unit. I am sure my stylist will be able to do this. Since this is my first mail order topper, is this a concern or should I just get it cut in an see what happens.
This could be either the best thing I did or the worse.
Thanks for helping a long time wearer and newbie do it your selfer.
01-24-2009, 02:35 PM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"

Just cut the lace with scissors around the sides and back to where the hair stops, it's easy. I would leave a little extra lace in the front. What type of lace or base did you order? I switched from HCM also andI didn't really notice that much of a difference between the density of HCM and a oplace piece to be honest. I would think that 75% should be pretty thick though. This will be the best thing you did because it will save you alot of $$.
01-24-2009, 09:07 PM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
HehWiggy...I too was concerned about the very thin area in the crown but once it is cut in you hardly notice it because the hair will probably not be that long on top and will appear thicker depending on how the unit is cutin....However I do have some concerns about the placement of the crown and I have had this concern for quite sometime...it seems to always end up in about the middle of the head evrytime I order a stock unit freestyle...I tend to agree with Aussieboy and my next orders will be No visiable crown because I just don't like the placement and how the hair falls in that area,,,I guess you also need to be aware of the type of style you want...which in fact has been brought up on this thread. You'll be fine and the density of your unit for Toplace is pretty high...I my self only go 65%...but I am 60 years old...You should be fine...not to worry you can easily conceal it depending on your hairstyle...welcome aboard...Cheers
01-25-2009, 05:50 AM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
Thanks guys for the support.
Most guys worry about going from no hair to a ton of hair.
My concern is from going from wiggy thick look to more age appropriate density. Either way it is a change. I looked at the system again today and the hair really is nice looking.
Hey, hard to tell how it will look cut in since the hair is 6" long now. Should I cut the lace myself before going for a cut in? Would you recommend xacto knife or scissors? I will let you all know how it looks. What I am really looking forward to is a natural movement in the wind. Right now there is clear seperation from the system hair and my sides. I have two backups in case this does not look good. Planning on using Walker no shine or proflex in front and proflex tabs all around back and side. Any issue with these? Believe it or not I am as nervous about this change as I was with my first cut in.
01-26-2009, 09:40 AM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
My standard order that has never been wrong:

All transparent sfs.
All 68% freestyle.
Flatback front.
No crown. Smile
Body wave.
Color 1.
Length standard.

Even with my order, I can swirl in my own crown and still have a little spot of scalp, it's perfect.
01-26-2009, 03:49 PM,
Re: Ordering a piece with "no crown"
thanks Snipe, I was trying to find your specs before I started this thread and I figured you would post them again. I just ordered a new one with similar specs.

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