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Fullcap after cut-in..pics
06-23-2011, 10:04 AM,
Fullcap after cut-in..pics
As usual, apologies for the poor -quality of the pics..... it`s my webcam ...not the best....some pics can be `grainy`[it`s to do with the lighting conditions] but hopefully they will give some idea of the system as it is now... I`ll give it a light shampooing tomorrow and sleep on it tonight in order to kill some of the `bounce` which is in all new systems..... a bit more thinning after the weekend too once I see how it settles...... I`m so used to wearing just toppers, with light density, this is a totally new experience for me ... another new learning-curve which we all go through....it feels `different`on my head too.... by the way, I simply used `Got2b`glued to hold it on for the cut-in..... wasn`t too worried about the perimeter being not held on tight.....as long as the whole thing wasn`t sliding about on my head, there were no worries really ....you can do your own `thing` with regards to perimeter bonds when you`re at home. I suppose the main thing that I have to get used to is seeing `proper/thick` hair down in front of the ears again after only seeing my own thin/weak hair there for so long.....when I look straight-on in to the mirror, my ears are practically invisible whereas up to now , they were very visible as the hair was so tight into the head.... there`s a bit more `tweaking`to be done, but so far, I`m happy....Paul.

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06-23-2011, 12:28 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
looks great Paul
06-23-2011, 08:17 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Very nice indeed Paul. I would have a generous amount of grey in there but that's just me. Excellent job!
06-23-2011, 08:52 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
looks good to me.
enjoy Smile
06-24-2011, 02:59 AM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Thanks guys ... spent well over an hour this morning carefully doing more thinning...... will post a few more pics in a few days..... Paul.
06-24-2011, 11:05 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Looks good mate.

Did you shave your head fully? Or keep some of your own hair at the back?
06-24-2011, 11:44 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Hi Henry .... kept a tiny length of the sideburns so if/when the system hair `lifts`a little,the growing hair makes it far less obvious to the casual glance....same at the back there`s only about half-inch or so left and that`s going to now be allowed grow down [even though it`s very thin] just as it`s so flush against the nape there that when the head is inclined forward and down if the system hair `lifts`, the little bit of growing hair will provide a realistic look even though it`s very thin now...I used to keep it cut up short there as it looked like rats tails when it came down ...really looked pathetic......but underneath the system hair it should be good......so far I `ve only put a little glue at the front there and a little `Got2B` at the back..haven`t bothered with a full perimeter bond......there`s no real danger of it blowing off or anything like that....as it`s practically full head-size, it`s a bit like a tea-cosy [who remembers them ??? lol ] ...you`d really have to fold it up with your fingers, off the nape area in order to lift it off......so far, only minimal itching and that`s at the nape perimeter as the edge of the lace [ not being glued into place on the skin] is rubbing the skin when I move my head.... I reckon when I do a proper bond there, it should be ok...... my only issue was as I said above, the ventilator definitely put in much more density than required and I did considerable thinning yesterday which is not really ideal but hey, life`s not perfect .. I`d prefer to be ``looking at it than looking for it``.....if it was too thin, well that`s a whole new ball-game......everything else is fine ...will post more pics in a while..regards, Paul.
06-25-2011, 09:38 AM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
I'm diggin' it Paul! That thing will settle in nicely. Looks like your template was right on as well.

My only suggestion would be to think about trying a lighter color. It's hard to tell from those pics but it looks like a lighter brown might work better for you. My natural color doesn't look right on me. I'm about a #7 matching up with my existing hair but for some reason I have to go 1 or more shades lighter for maximum realism.
06-25-2011, 10:27 AM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Hi again guys.. all in-put is welcome and I give it thought/attention. I`ve always had a dark brown [almost black ] hair..my eye brows are black too ... I`m just not keen on brown as a colour....don`t even have brown shoes !! :-) I always wished I had (1) decent/good hair and (2) that it be black! As this was my opportunity [having got rid of my remaining hair] to not have any color-blending issues, I gave it some thought before ordering and decided to `risk`black...... I knew the `risks` [such as people thinking a guy my age has/had obviously dyed his hair black to hide grey ...that actually wouldn`t `bother`me ..... and it being a `shock`to people who know me ..... the first day after cut-in, it did look stark, especially out in the sunlight.... I`ve since shampooed it and some leave-in conditioner sprayed in... it`s now looking that bit duller.... I `ll see how it goes for the next little while to see how it pans out..... I MAY order 1b for the next one...but I find once oxidation sets in [sun etc] 1b tends to lighten a little bit too much for my liking and I end up using black color products to darken it down ...... I`m hoping that once oxidation sets in with a black system, it will simply lighten to just below a `1b ` thus saving me the bother of using harsh coloring chemicals on the hair..... hope that makes sense ? The template about spot-on JRob and in fairness to the factory, it fits like a glove.......the ventilation is great [correct direction etc] and the hair is very `flush`/down tight to the base at the back/sides.....overall, I`m very impressed with the factory ...the only `problem`as I said, is the density was definitely above what was required , but I`ll deal with that...... I`ve done enough thinning with a thinning scissors---you can only do a limited amount that way or you risk ending up with a ruined system which resembles steelwool, as the knots are still there/left behind with each cut..you`ve simply chopped a number of hairs off near the base but there is still that knot there with [now] 2 strands of short hair ...this means that you`ve only made it look a bit thinner to the eye, but if you feel it with your hands, you can feel the `grain`/thickness of the hair still .. it`s a bit like a field of barley which has been mown...you have a load of stubble left behind...... the best way, although time-consuming and needs extreme caution is to dab on `Nair` hair-removal cream to the knots..this will dissolve the knot and allow the hair to come fully out .....again you could easily ruin your system if you`re not careful and end up with something a scare-crow would be proud to wear !!!
Again guys, thanks for the suggestions etc. I`ll certainly take them into account as I need to order a 2nd system as a back-up as my topper is now redundant though that last one lasted 10 months with NO shedding or any other issues !! Finally, what I`m really liking about this is it`s such a snug fit, I have it on now and it`s not even bonded on and it`s sitting exactly in position [no movement or slipping about ] I reckon I`ll just stick [no pun] to a light bond ---a bit at the front and the flaps in front of the ears.....a small bit at the back...I can then easily do a nightly de-bond as I prefer to sleep with no system on my head. Cheers ... Paul.
06-25-2011, 08:42 PM,
RE: Fullcap after cut-in..pics
Blarney castle is only 15 miles from me .. I go regularly to kiss `that`stone, hence, the ramblings! Seriously, I deliberately get a bit `technical` [ such as the thinning thing] for the newbies, as this is all pretty new to them. Old hands like yourself can ignore me ..lol.. Paul.

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